第十一课 植物和水Lesson eleven Plants and Water. 活动准备 Event Preparation 1、搜集同一种植物分别在干旱和湿润环境中生长的图片。 Collect pictures of the same plant growing in dry and wet environments respectively.
活动过程Activity Process 2、水对植物的生长有哪些影响? What effect does water have on the growth of plants? 3、根据观察我发现…… Based on observation I found that …… 4、如果不浇水植物会…… If not watered plants will …… 5、可以用铜钱草试一试。 You can try it with copperhead. 方法指导Methodological guidance 6、选取两盆生长情况差不多的铜钱草 ,1号盆不浇水,2号盆按时浇适量的水。 Choose two pots with similar growth conditions, no watering for pot 1 and a moderate amount of water for pot 2. 7、观察两盆铜钱草的生长情况。 Observe the growth of two pots of copperheads.
拓展活动Outreach Activities 8、了解哪些植物适宜生长在干旱的环境中。 Learn which plants are suitable for growing in arid environments.
单元评价Module evaluation 知识乐园Knowledge Land 找联系,说一说。Find the connection and say something about it. 1、缺少阳光、阳光充足、 Lack of sunlight、Plenty of sunshine、 2、植物和阳光、植物与环境、植物和水、洪涝、适量的水、干旱 Plants and sunlight, plants and environment, plants and water, flooding, moderate amount of water, drought
科学殿堂Hall of Science 3、说一说,室温内的灯光对植物有什么影响。 Tell us how the light in room temperature affects the plants.
反思空间Reflection Space 4、我能得到几颗星? How many stars do you get? 5、知道植物生物生长需要阳光和水 know that plant life needs sunlight and water to grow 6、愿意和同学合作 willing to cooperate with classmates 7、会测量蒜苗的高度 can measure the height of garlic plants |
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