第十二课 身边的动植物资源 Lesson fourteen Animal and plant resources 活动准备 Activity preparation 1、毛笔 铅笔 本子 书包 布笔袋 Brush penci l book bag cloth pencil case
活动过程 Activity process 2、动物和植物为我们的生活提供了什么? What do animals and plants provide for our lives? 3、我知道牛可以耕地。 I know cattle can farm. 4、柳条可以编成....... Wicker can be woven... 5、我们的生活离不开动物和植物,动物和植物是宝贵的资源。我们要珍惜动植物资源。 Our life can not be separated from animals and plants, animals and plants are valuable resources. We should cherish the resources of animals and plants. 6、观察学习用品,说一说制作它们用到了那些动物资源、哪些植物资源。 Observe school supplies and say what animal and plant resources are used to make them. 7、毛笔的笔头来自..... The brush pen comes from...
拓展活动Outreach activities 8、找一找家中的动物资源和植物资源。 Find the animal and plant resources at home.
单元评价Module evaluation 知识乐园Knowledge Park 找联系,说一说。Find a contact and say something about it. 1、生活中的动植物资源 Animal and plant resources in life 2、动物资源:牛、羊、蚕 Animal resources: cattle, sheep and silkworm 3、植物资源:棉花、小麦、黄瓜、桑树 Plant resources: Cotton, wheat, cucumber, Mulberry
科学殿堂The Hall of Science 4、说一说:假如没有动植物资源,我们的生活会怎样? Say: If there is no animal and plant resources, what will our life?
反思空间Reflection space 5、我能得到几颗星? How many stars can I get? 6、知道生活离不开动植物资源 Knowing that life is inseparable from animal and plant resources 7、能给动植物资源分类 Can classify animal and plant resources 8、愿意和同学交流,分享 Willing to communicate with classmates and share |
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