7生命最宝贵 Life is the most precious thing? 我们的生命来之不易 Our lives have not come easily 从生命的形成到生命的孕育、养育都充满了爱。 From the formation of life to the gestation and upbringing of life are full of love 父母要承担孕育、养育我们的责任。 Parents should assume the responsibility of nurturing and raising us. 我们应该在这样的呵护下,学会珍惜生命、健康成长。 We should learn to cherish life and grow up healthily under such care. 我出生的过程是怎样的? What was my birth process like? 爸爸妈妈当时的心情是怎样的? What was the mood of my parents? 小时候我的身体好吗? Was I in good health as a child? 经常生病吗? Are you often getting sick? 小时候我淘气吗? Was I naughty when I was a child? 做过什么危险的事情? What dangerous things have you ever done? 还有 besides 采访一下爸爸和妈妈,了解我们成长过程中的故事吧。 Interview mom and mom and learn about the story we were growing up. 我们九岁了,已经成长为一个个聪明能干的小小少年。 We are nine years old, we have grown into a smart and capable little boys. 从我们出生到长到现在这么大,可不是一件容易的事情。 It was not easy since we were born to our present size. 看一看 take measures 妈妈是孕育我们的大功臣。 Mother is the great hero who bred us. 怀孕时的妈妈很辛苦。 The pregnant mother was very hard. 让我们来看看怀孕妈妈的生活吧 Let's see the life of pregnant mothers 孕育一个小生命真是太不容易啦 It's really not easy to breed a little life 妈妈在孕育我们的过程中,每一个细节都体现着对我们的爱 Mother in the birth of us, every detail reflects the love for us 今天,就让我们来体验一下妈妈怀孕时的辛苦。 Today, let's experience the hard work when my mother was pregnant. 书包里装几本书挂在胸前模拟怀孕时的妈妈。 The bag contained several books hanging on the chest to simulate her pregnant mother. 我们一起来做几个日常动作,注意做这些动作时的感受,还要注意保护好肚子里的“宝宝” Let's do a few daily actions together, pay attention to the feeling when doing these actions, but also pay attention to protect the "baby" in the belly 体验五分钟妈妈 Experience 5 Minutes for Mom 1. “妈妈”弯腰捡东西。 "Mom" bent over to pick things up things. 1. “妈妈”弯腰穿鞋,系鞋带。 Mom bent over to wear her shoes and tie her shoelaces. 1. “妈妈”趴在桌子上休息一会儿。 "Mom" lay on the table for a rest. 平时完成这些动作感觉困难吗?当你变成怀着宝宝的妈妈时,做这些动作感觉怎样? Do you usually feel difficult to complete these actions? How does it feel to do these actions when you become a mother with a baby? 除了这些动作的变化外,怀着宝宝的妈妈为了孩子的健康,还会改变哪些习惯? In addition to these changes in the movements, what habits will the mother change for the child's health? 因为有了宝宝妈妈还会关注哪些问题? Because of the baby mother will pay attention to what problems? 如果让你扮演妈妈的时间变成五十分钟、五个小时、五天,甚至更长的时间,你的感觉会怎样? What would you feel if you made your time playing your mom become 50 minutes, five hours, five days, or even longer? 妈妈孕育我们不容易。 Mother is not easy to breed us. 在养育我们的过程中,爸爸妈妈更是付出了无数心血。 In the process of raising us, mom and dad have paid countless efforts. 为了呵护我这个小生命,家人还做过哪些事情? What else has my family done in order to care for my little life? 小时候,每次给我洗澡,都是全家的一项“大工程” When I was a child, every time I bathed me, it was a "big project" for my family 爸爸妈妈每天都惦记着我的生活,怕我饿着、冻着。 Mom and dad miss my life every day, afraid that I am hungry, cold. 当我生病时,爸爸妈妈都很着急。 When I were sick, my parents were very worried. 了解和回忆生活中的点点滴滴,让我感觉到自己的生命和成长都倾注了家人无尽的关爱与呵护。 Understanding and recalling the bits and drops in life, let me feel that my life and growth have poured endless care and care into my family. 爱护身体珍惜生命 Love your body and cherish your life 我们的健康成长,离不开家人的养育和爱护。 Our healthy growth is inseparable from the raising and care of our family. 我们应该学会爱惜自己的身体,珍惜自己的生命。 We should learn to cherish our own bodies and cherish our own lives. 莫奠是一个九岁的男孩,活泼好动,好奇心很强,什么都想试一试。 Our healthy growth is inseparable from the raising and care of our family. 一天,莫奠偷偷拿了爸爸的打火机来到晒谷场上,他早就想试试这个“咔嚓”一下就擦出火苗来的小玩意儿了。 One day, Mo Dian secretly took his father's lighter came to the sun valley field, he had long wanted to try this "click" on the flame out of the gadget. 莫莫完全忘记了家人不许他玩火的嘱咐,靠在稻草堆上“咔嚓”“咔嚓”打着火。 Mo Mo completely forgot the family did not allow him to play with the fire charge, leaning on the straw pile "click" "click" hit the fire. 忽然,他一不小心点燃了干燥的稻草,火一下子蔓延开来。 Suddenly, he accidentally lit the dry straw, and the fire suddenly spread suddenly. 大火包围了惊慌的莫莫…经过医院的全力救治,莫莫保住了生命,但全身大面积烧伤,造成终身残障。 The fire surrounded the panicked Mo Mo. .. After the full hospital treatment, Mo Mo saved his life, but suffered extensive burns, causing lifelong disability. 盲目的好奇,胡乱的尝试,给莫莫、他的家庭和社会带来了巨大的不幸。 Blind curiosity, random attempts, brought great misfortune to MorMo, his family and society. 在爱护自己方面,莫莫有哪些做得不好的地方? In terms of loving yourself, what don't you do well? 玩打火机太危险了 Playing with cigarette lighters is too dangerous 不听爸爸妈妈的嘱咐 Don listening listen to my ' and instructions 在爱护自己的生命和身体方面,你有哪些做得好的地方,有哪些做得不好的地方? What do you do well and what do you not do well in terms of loving your own life and body? 我上体育课赶紧穿上外套,这样就不会着凉了 I quickly put on my coat in PE class so I won't cool down 我不爬,不滑楼梯扶手,这样可以免意外受伤 I do not climb, do not slide the stair handrail, so that no accidental injury 我比较挑食。 I ' m more picky eaters. 这个习惯对身体不好后一定要改正。 This habit must be correct after its bad health. 我喜欢跳绳、踢毽子。 I like skipping rope and kicking shuttlecock. 经常运动有利于身体健康。 Regular exercise is conducive to physical health. 如果不小心让身体受到伤害,不要受大的痛还要面临生活中的种种不便和困难。 If you accidentally let the body get hurt, do not suffer great pain but also face all kinds of inconvenience and difficulties in life. 请设想一下,如果你身体的一部分受伤了,你的生活和学习会遇到什么困难? Imagine what difficulties in your life and study if part of your body is hurt and injured? 能拥有健全、健康的身体多么幸福!我们一定要好好爱惜自己。 How happy to be with a sound, healthy body! We must cherish ourselves. 阅读角 Reading angle 壁虎的尾巴断了,隔一段时间,又长出新的尾巴。 The gecko's tail is broken, and after a while, it grows a new tail. 树枝被砍断,还能长出新绿枝条,萌发新芽。 The branches are cut off, and they can also grow new green branches and sprout new buds. 可是我们的身体,不可再生;我们的生命,不可重来。 But our bodies, are not renewable; our lives, can not come again. 生命是一切希望的基础,然而它又脆弱得如一朵易凋零的花。 Life is the foundation of all hope, but it is as fragile as a dying flower. 请学会保护自己好好珍爱自己的生命吧! Please learn to protect yourself and cherish your own life! 活着,好好活着, Alive, live well, 然后才有机会,焕发更夺目的光华。 Then you have the opportunity to glow with a more dazzling brilliance. 如果我们遇到巨大的伤害,甚至失去生命,世界上最痛苦的人,就是我们的父母。 If we encounter great harm, or even lose our lives, the most painful person in the world, is our parents. 阅读角 Reading angle 吾儿臭臭 My son stinks 想你 miss you 却深刻 But the profound 是一种痛 Is a pain that is 曾以为 Once thought that the 隐隐的痛 The faint pain 随着时间的流逝 As the time goes by, the 不常来 Not often often 会如那昙花般的消逝 Will disappear like that flash in the pan 却挥不去 But never lingering 但是 But 初时不觉 Unat first 总会在一个不经意的时刻 Always in a casual moment of 不觉中已渗入血液 Unconsciously, it has penetrated into the blood 清风般的掠过心头 The breeze swept across my heart 撕心裂肺 grieved 如刀割般的清楚 Clear like like like clear 想你 miss you 想你 miss you 是一种痛 Is a pain that is 从不知疲惫 From being tired 刻骨铭心的痛 Burunforgettable pain 不常来 Not often often 极累 Very tired 本文作者春儿,选作课文时有改动 Spring Er, choose the text has been changed 这是一位母亲在失去孩子后写下的文字。 This is a text written by a mother after she lost her child. 你能从她的诗句中体会这种失去孩子的痛苦吗? Can you experience this pain of losing a child from her poem? |
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