
陈雷英语 科学 三年级上册 查看内容


2021-6-10 17:21| 发布者: admin| 查看: 152| 评论: 0

摘要: .

10 types of soil10 土壤的种类

1. A piece of winter wheat, a piece of sorghum, a ten mile lotus pond, a ten mile fruit fragrance... Soil in different places Are they exactly alike? Are the plants suitable for different soils the same?1、一片冬麦,一片高梁,十里荷塘,十里果香·····不同地方的土壤一样吗?不同土壤适宜生长的植物一样吗?


Material package材料包


Mineral water bottle, gauze, string, etc.矿泉水瓶、纱布、细绳等。


Task card任务卡


Different types of soil were collected采集不同类型的土壤


Activity process活动过程


What are the characteristics of different types of soil?不同类型的土壤各有什么特点?

I find.......我发现.......

This kind of soil is rich in sand.这种土壤含沙多。

The soil in my hand is better than yours我手上的土比你的.......


Do an experiment and compare the differences做个实验,比较不同

Water amount during the experiment实验时水量·....

The permeability of soil.土壤的渗水性。

This is our design.这是我们的设计。


1. According to the amount of sand in the soil, the soil can be divided into three categories: the soil with more sand

Sandy soil; Clayey soil contains less sand; Loam is moderate in sand content. These three types of soil are very stable

The water permeability is different.1、按照土壤中含沙量的多少,可以把土壤分成3类:含沙多的是




index card for files资料卡


1. China has a vast territory and a variety of soils, among which the black soil, the Yellow Soil and the yellow soil are widely distributed in Northeast China

Cinnamon soil in North China, red soil in South China, desert soil in Northwest China and soil in Qinghai Tibet Plateau

There are deep black humus layers in the black soil, some of which are as thick as 1 meter.1、我国地域辽阔,土壤多种多样,其中分布面积较广的有东北地区的黑土、




What plants are suitable for sandy soil, clayey soil and loam soil?沙质土、黏质土、壤土分别适宜生长什么植物?


Sandy soil沙质土


I found the soil in the field我发现田野的土壤.......


Development activities拓展活动


1、1. Go to a nearby garden, vegetable field or farmland to investigate soil types and find out what plants are suitable for growing.到附近的花园、菜地或农田调查土壤类型,了解适宜生长什么植物。








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