3 主动拒绝烟酒与毒 Take the initiative to refuse tobacco, alcohol
and drugs 烟酒有危害 Alcohol and tobacco are harmful 随着社会生活范围的不断扩展,我们会受到烟酒的诱惑。吸 烟与饮酒会危害我们的身心健康。只有认清危害,主动拒绝, 自我保护,我们才能健康地成长。 With the continuous expansion of social life, we will
be tempted by tobacco and alcohol. absorbSmoking and drinking are harmful to
our physical and mental health. Only by recognizing the harm and actively
refusing,Only by protecting ourselves can we grow up healthily 活动园 Activity Park 在“认清烟酒危害”的学习分享活动中,各小组从不同的角度展示了学习资料。 In the learning sharing activity of "recognizing
the harm of tobacco and alcohol", each group presented the learning
materials from different perspectives. 第一组“图”说危害 The first group of "diagram" theory 同学们参加了一次科普活动。活动中工作人员展示的因吸烟而发生病变的肺标本,让同学们十分震惊。 The students took part in a popular science activity.
During the activity, the staff showed the pathological lung specimens caused by
smoking, which shocked the students 第二组“数”说危害 The second group of "number" theory 据世界卫生组织发布的报告,饮酒与200余种疾病和伤害有关。2016年,我国因饮酒致癌而死亡的近8万人,因饮酒发生交通事故而死亡的近9万人。 According to a report released by the World Health
Organization, drinking is associated with more than 200 diseases and injuries.
In 2016, nearly 80000 people died of drinking cancer and nearly 90000 people
died of traffic accidents. 阅读两组学习资料,你对烟酒的危害有什么新的认识? What's your new understanding of the harm of alcohol
and tobacco? 相关链接 Related links 成年人吸烟可能引起思维能力的退化和智力功能的损伤;喝酒会导致大脑功能发生变化,神经发育受阻,影响认知和行为能力的健康发展。酒精会刺激消化道,导肠胃不适和消化不良,影响正常饮食及管养摄入,阻碍正常的生长发育。 吸烟、喝酒不仅直接危害青少年的身心健康,还能诱发不良行为,甚至导致违法犯罪。 Adult smoking may lead to the degeneration of thinking
ability and the impairment of intellectual function; Drinking can lead to
changes in brain function, nerve development, affect the healthy development of
cognitive and behavioral ability. Alcohol can stimulate the digestive tract,
lead to gastrointestinal discomfort and dyspepsia, affect the normal diet and
tube feeding intake, hinder normal growth and development.Smoking and drinking
not only directly endanger the physical and mental health of teenagers, but
also induce bad behavior, and even lead to crimes. 在“认识烟酒危害”展板设计中,同学们开展了“观点大碰撞”活动。请你结合生活中的事例,参考“说服的理由”,帮助同伴澄清一些“错误的认识”吧! In the design of the exhibition board of
"understanding the harm of tobacco and alcohol", the students carried
out the activity of "viewpoint collision". Please refer to the
"reasons for persuasion" and help your partner clarify some
"wrong understanding" by combining the examples in your life! 错误的认识 Wrong understanding 全家聚会,大人和孩子一起喝酒能活跃氛围,还能促进血液循环。 Family gathering, adults and children drinking
together can activate the atmosphere, but also promote blood circulation. 只要是在家里吸烟就没关系。 It doesn't matter as long as you smoke at home. 吸烟能忘记烦恼,结交新朋友,拉近与人的距离,产生灵感。 Smoking can forget troubles, make new friends, close
up with people, and generate inspiration. 说服的理由 Reasons for persuasion 过多饮酒会导致情绪失控,引发矛盾冲突。酒驾会引发交通事故。 Excessive drinking can lead to emotional loss of
control and conflict. Drunk driving can cause traffic accidents. 二手烟会危害家人的健康。 Second hand smoke can harm the health of family
members. 青少年吸烟、喝酒会促成不良交友,影响身体发育。 Teenagers' smoking and drinking can promote bad
friends and affect their physical development. 阅读角 Reading corner 爷爷的悔恨 Grandfather's remorse “咳!咳!“”隔壁房间又传来学爷一阵急促的咳嗦和喘息声。我赶忙去帮他捶背。爷爷叹了口气说:“后悔也来不及了!这烟把我害苦了!”原来,13岁那年,爷爷的学习和生活遇到了很大的固难、一位同村的好友,见他烦恼,就给他烟抽,并对他说:“抽了烟,所有的烦恼都会烟消云散。”最初,爷爷不想抽,后来经不住这位好友相劝,开始抽烟解闷。在那段日子里,他整日与那位朋友和烟为伴。 "Cough! Cough! " The next room was filled
with a quick cough and gasp. I rushed to help him beat his back. Grandfather
sighed and said, "it's too late to regret! The smoke is killing me It
turned out that when he was 13 years old, his grandfather met with great
difficulties in his study and life. A friend from the same village, seeing his
troubles, gave him a cigarette and said to him, "after smoking, all the
troubles will disappear." At first, grandfather didn't want to smoke.
Later, he couldn't resist the advice of his good friend and began to smoke. In
those days, he spent all day with his friend and cigarettes. 几十年的烟瘾使爷爷的身体越来越差。他的牙齿全黄了,肺炎、冠心病等接踵而来。 Decades of smoking addiction makes grandfather's
health worse and worse. His teeth were all yellow, and pneumonia and coronary
heart disease followed. 毒品更危险 Drugs are more dangerous 毒品犹如毒蛇,是人类共同的敌人。吸毒会摧毁一个人的身 体和意志,破坏家庭的幸福,危害他人的人身和财产安全,败坏社会风气,甚至威胁国家和民族的未来。 Drugs, like poisonous snakes, are the common enemy of
mankind. Drugs can destroy a person's bodyBody and will, destroy the happiness
of the family, endanger the personal and property safety of others, corrupt the
social atmosphere, and even threaten the future of the country and nation. 活动园 Activity Park 在“拒绝毒品”的法治宣传活动中,同学们搜集了以下资料。 In the publicity campaign of "drug refusal",
students collected the following information. 资料1 Information 1 根据《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》第三十四条,本法所称“严重不良行为”包括吸食、注射毒品等九类严重危害社会,尚不够刑事处罚的违法行为。 According to Article 34 of the law of the people's
Republic of China on the prevention of juvenile delinquency, the term
"serious bad behavior" as mentioned in this Law includes nine
categories of illegal behaviors that seriously endanger the society, such as
taking and injecting drugs, and are not enough for criminal punishment. 资料2 Information 2 《中华人民共和国禁毒法》第十八条规定:“未成年人的父母或者其他监护人应当对未成年人进行毒品危害的教育,防止其吸食、注射毒品或者进行其他毒品违法犯罪活动。 Article 18 of the drug control law of the people's
Republic of China stipulates: "the parents or other guardians of minors
shall educate them about the harm of drugs and prevent them from taking or
injecting drugs or engaging in other illegal and criminal activities. 资料3 Information 3 花季少年的噩梦 Youth's nightmare 阿辉经常和社会青年一起玩,在好奇心的驱使和社会青年的劝说下,他很快成了一个“瘾君子”,陷入毒品的泥沼中无法自拔。得知他偷钱去吸毒后,父亲狠狠地骂他、打他,母亲被气得卧床不起。不久,他因偷窃而入狱。 A Hui often plays with social youth. Driven by
curiosity and persuading by social youth, he soon becomes an "addict"
and cannot extricate himself from the quagmire of drugs. When he learned that
he was stealing money to take drugs, his father scolded him and beat him
severely, and his mother was so angry that she was bedridden. Soon, he was
jailed for stealing. 后来,阿辉被送去强制戒毒。期满后,他说:“我不愿回家,我怕再见到那帮“朋友。据戒毒所民警介绍,戒毒者离开戒毒所后的复吸率很高,因为一回到以前的环境,很难摆脱其他吸毒者的影响。 Later, ah Hui was sent to compulsory detoxification.
After the expiration, he said, "I don't want to go home. I'm afraid I'll
see those" friends again. ". According to the police of the drug
treatment center, the relapse rate of drug addicts after leaving the drug
treatment center is very high, because once they return to the previous
environment, it is difficult to get rid of the influence of other drug addicts. 关于禁毒的法律规定,你还知道哪些?查阅资料,与同学讨论吸毒对个人、家庭和社会有哪些危害。 What else do you know about anti drug laws and
regulations? Consult the information and discuss with the students the harm of
drug abuse to individuals, families and society. 我们正处在“想独立”“渴望成熟”的心理发育时期,对 新鲜事物充满妤奇,凡事都想试一试,但是绝对不能去尝试对我们有危害的行为。 We are in the period of psychological development of
"want to be independent" and "desire to be mature",
rightNew things are full of novelty. We want to try everything, but we should
never try anything harmful to us. 活动园 Activity Park 危险的好奇 Dangerous curiosity 有一天,我发现同路回家的小赵有点奇怪。出校门的时候,他还是蔫头耷脑的。到附近小卖部买瓶饮料后,他从口袋里拿出一颗药片泡了喝。没过多久,他就亢奋起来,开始摇头晃脑。 One day, I found Xiao Zhao a little strange. When he
left school, he was still drooping. After buying a bottle of drink at a nearby
grocery store, he took a pill out of his pocket and drank it. Before long, he
got excited and began to shake his head. 我很好奇:什么药片这么神奇?他从哪里买的?为什么他很神秘地对我说那是“提神保健品”?既然是保健品,为什么又不让我告诉别人呢? I'm curious: what pills are so magical? Where did he
get it? Why did he mysteriously tell me that it was a "refreshing health product"?
Since it's a health product, why don't I tell others? 他越是神秘,我就越是好奇。带着这份好奇,我打算哪天放学时跟他要一颗,我也泡瓶饮料试试看。 The more mysterious he is, the more curious I am. With
this curiosity, I plan to ask him for one after school one day, and I'll make a
drink to try. 可是,上了今天这堂课,我终于明白所谓“提神保健品”就是毒品。我被自己的好奇吓出一身冷汗,真是危险的好奇啊!我为他的行为感到担忧,必须想办法阻止他。 However, after today's class, I finally understand
that the so-called "refreshing health care products" are drugs. I was
scared out of my curiosity in a cold sweat. What a dangerous curiosity! I'm
worried about his behavior and have to find a way to stop him. 好奇心有助于我们探索未知的领域,可故事中的“我”为什么把自己的好奇称为“危险的好奇”呢? Curiosity helps us explore the unknown, but why does
"I" in the story call my curiosity "dangerous curiosity"? 相关链接 Related links 《中华人民共和国刑法》第三百五十七条规定:本法所称的毒品,是指鸦片、海洛因、甲基苯丙胺(病毒)、吗啡、大麻、可卡因以及国家规定管制的其他能够使人形成毒瘾的麻醉药品和精神药品。 Article 357 of the criminal law of the people's
Republic of China stipulates that "drugs" as mentioned in this Law
refer to opium, heroin, methamphetamine (virus), morphine, marijuana, cocaine
and other narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances that can make people
addicted to drugs as regulated by the state. 我们年龄尚小,知识不足,自制力不强,生活经验欠缺,这些会影响我们辨别是非的能力。对于沾染不良嗜好的人,我们不能受他们的怂恿和影响,应该坚决抵制“吸毒时尚”等错误观念。 We are still young, lack of knowledge, self-control
and life experience, which will affect our ability to distinguish right from
wrong. For those who have bad habits, we should not be encouraged and
influenced by them. We should firmly resist such misconceptions as "drug
fashion". 活动园 Activity Park 参观“禁毒教育展览”归来,两位同学向大家分享了学习体会。阅读他们的学习体会,说说你从中得到的启示。 After visiting the anti drug education exhibition, the
two students shared their learning experience with you. Read their learning
experience and talk about the enlightenment you get from it. 放在展台上的看起来明明是奶茶,其实里面含有新型毒品。这类毒品遇水即溶,即冲即饮,与各种饮料混合后,口味都不发生变化。所以,面对真假难辨的饮料,我们一定要保持警惕,以免误入歧途,遗憾终生。 It looks like milk tea on the stand, but actually it
contains new drugs. This kind of drug dissolves in water and can be drunk
immediately. After mixed with various drinks, the taste does not change.
Therefore, in the face of hard to distinguish between true and false drinks, we
must remain vigilant, so as not to go astray and regret for life. 听讲解员说,一些毒贩为了年利,就把毒品掺杂在香烟里面,让人们在不知不觉中染上毒瘾。当你有抽烟的不良嗜好时,就有可能遇到危险,所以,对于隐藏的危险,我们不仅要 小心提防,更要懂得避免沾染不良嗜好。 According to the commentator, some drug dealers, in
order to make annual profits, adulterate drugs into cigarettes, making people
unconsciously addicted to drugs. When you have a bad habit of smoking, you may
encounter danger. Therefore, we should not only pay attention to the hidden
dangerBe careful to avoid bad habits. 阅读角 Reading corner 识破新型毒品的伪装 See through the disguise of new drugs 新型毒品打着“时尚”“娱乐”“刺激”的旗号,有的甚至伪装成果汁,跳跳糖等。它们的毒性比传统的毒品更厉害,并且更容易让人成瘾。我们一定要学会识破它们“时尚”的伪装,认清它们害人的实质。 New drugs are under the banner of "fashion",
"entertainment" and "stimulation", and some even disguise
as juice, skipping sugar, etc. They are more toxic and addictive than
traditional drugs. We must learn to see through their "fashion"
camouflage and understand the essence of their harm. 拒绝危害有方法 There are ways to refuse harm 远离烟酒,拒绝毒品,首先要提高防范意识。意识不到有危险才是最大的危险。让我们远离第一支烟,第一口酒,第一次毒。 Keep away from alcohol and tobacco, refuse drugs,
first of all to improve the awareness of prevention. The greatest danger is not
to be aware of the danger. Let's stay away from the first cigarette, the first
drink, the first poison. 活动园 Activity Park 面对下列情境时,我们可以根据实际情况,果断或委婉地拒绝,以摆脱困境。请结合情境续写对策。 In the face of the following situations, we can,
according to the actual situation, resolutely or tactfully refuse to get out of
the predicament. Please continue to write the countermeasures according to the
situation. 情境一:放学路上,同学递给你一支烟,说:“抽一支吧,反正老师也看不见。” Situation one: on the way to school, the classmate
handed you a cigarette and said, "smoke one. Anyway, the teacher can't see
it." 不用!我劝你不要抽烟,抽烟对你的身体没有好处。 no need! I advise you not to smoke. Smoking is not
good for your health. 情境二:同学过生日,提议喝点酒庆祝,还说低度喝了也不会醉。 Situation 2: Students' birthday, propose to drink some
wine to celebrate, also said that low degree drink will not be drunk. 我不能喝酒,还是用饮料代替吧。 I can't drink. I'd better use a drink instead. 情境三:坐火车时,对面的人递给你一瓶饮料。 Situation 3: when you take the train, the person
opposite hands you a bottle of drink. 要远离可能对我们产生危害的地方,坚决不去不适宜未成年人出入的场所,如酒吧、网吧、歌厅等,这就给自己的安全增加了保障。 We should stay away from places that may cause harm to
us, and never go to places that are not suitable for minors, such as bars,
Internet cafes, singing halls, etc., which will increase our security. 在学校的“法制园地”宣传栏里,王宇同学看到了《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》的相关规定。 In the school's "legal garden" bulletin
board, Wang Yu saw the relevant provisions of the "law of the people's
Republic of China on the protection of minors". 法律链接 Legal links 《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》第三十六条 Article 36 of the law of the people's Republic of
China on the protection of minors 中小学校园周边不得设置营业性歌舞娱乐场所、互联网上网服务营业场所等不适宜未成年人活动的场所 It is not allowed to set up business entertainment
places for singing and dancing, Internet service business places and other
places not suitable for minors' activities around primary and secondary schools 营业性歌舞娱乐场所、互联网上网服务营业场所等不适宜未成年人活动的场所,不得允许未成年人进入,经营者应当在显著位置设置未成年人禁入标志;对难以判明是否已成年的,应当要求其出示身份证件。 Business
song and dance entertainment places, Internet service business places and other
places that are not suitable for minors' activities shall not allow minors to
enter, and business operators shall set up a sign prohibiting minors from
entering at a prominent position; If it is difficult to judge whether they have
reached adulthood, they shall be required to produce their identity documents. 开展一次调查或访谈,了解我们身边有哪些场所设置“未成年人禁入的标志。想一想,上述法律规定对我们有什么作用? Carry out a survey or interview to find out which
places around us have signs of "no minors". What is the effect of the
above legal provisions on us? 要学会拒绝和求助。如果有人劝我们吸烟、喝酒、吸毒,我们要勇敢、坚决地说“不”;如果我们对事情的危险性判断不清,就要及时寻求家长或老师的帮助。 Learn to refuse and ask for help. If we are advised to
smoke, drink or take drugs, we should say "no" bravely and firmly; If
we are not clear about the danger of things, we should seek the help of parents
or teachers in time. 活动园 Activity Park 拒绝诱惑,远离危险行为。请你来完善《学会说“不”》操作手册 Resist temptation and stay away from dangerous
behavior. Please improve the "learn to say no" operation manual 学会说“不 Learn to say "no" 第一步 用坚定的声音说“不” The first step is to say "no" in a firm
voice 对自己的决定要有信心 Be confident in your decision 作出负责任的决定 Making responsible decisions 第二步给出拒绝的理由 The second step is to give reasons for rejection 因为它不健康 Because it's not healthy 第三步保证自已言行一致 The third step is to make sure that your words and
deeds are consistent 远离烟酒,拒绝毒品,关键在我们自己。要增强防范意识,养良好的学习和生活习惯,养成遵纪守法的习惯。主动拒绝烟酒坚决抵制毒品,是我们健康生活、成长的保障,也是对自己、家庭社会负责的表现。 It's
up to us to stay away from alcohol and tobacco and refuse drugs. We should
enhance the awareness of prevention, cultivate good study and living habits,
and form the habit of abiding by the law. It is not only the guarantee of our
healthy life and growth, but also the performance of being responsible for
ourselves, our family and society to actively refuse tobacco and alcohol and
resolutely resist drugs. |
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