9 古代科技耀我中华
Chinese ancient science and technology 灿若繁星的古代科技巨人 The
ancient giant of science and technology 在中华文明的历史画卷里,一代又一代劳动人民用汗水和智慧创造了无数的光辉业绩,一个又一个科学巨人取得了不朽的科技成就。 In
the historical picture of Chinese civilization, generations of working people have
created countless brilliant achievements with sweat and wisdom, and one
scientific giant after another has made immortal scientific and technological
achievements. 阅读角 Reading
corner 中国古代科学家的故事 Stories
of ancient Chinese scientists 张衡生活的时代,频繁的地震给人民的生命财产造成严重损失。 In
the era of Zhang Heng's life, frequent earthquakes caused serious losses to
people's lives and property. 张决心制造一架能测定地震的仪器,以便及时掌握全国各地的地震情况。 Zhang
is determined to build an instrument that can measure earthquakes, so as to
grasp the earthquake situation all over the country in time. 经过孜孜不倦的研究,张衡最终研制出了世界上最早的地震仪器地动仪。 After
tireless research, Zhang Heng finally developed the world's earliest
seismograph seismograph. 汉科学家张衡像 Han
scientist Zhang Heng 祖冲之从小聪明好学,长大后从事科学研究。 Zuchong
is smart and good at learning from childhood, and he is engaged in scientific
research when he grows up. 他从不迷信权,对前人的说法也常常亲自检验。 He
never believed in power, and often personally tested the previous statements. 他也从不畏惧困难,努力攻克一个个难关经过无数个日日夜夜和无数次的反复运算,他终于把圆周车精确到小数点后第七位。 He
was never afraid of difficulties, and worked hard to overcome them one by one.
After countless days and nights and countless repeated calculations, he finally
got the circle car to the seventh place after the decimal point. 科学家祖冲之像 The
image of zuchong, a scientist 李时珍从小随父行医,立志长大成为一名能给百姓治病的好医生。 Li
Shizhen has been practicing medicine with her father since childhood, and is
determined to grow up to be a good doctor who can treat people's diseases. 李时珍发现前人所写的医书有不少错误,决心编写一部比较完善的药物学著作。 Li
Shizhen found that there were many mistakes in the medical books written by his
predecessors, and decided to write a relatively perfect work on pharmacology. 为此,李时珍脚穿草鞋,身背药篓,翻山越岭,访医采药,走了上万里路,倾听了无数人的意见,参阅书籍800多种,费时27年,最终编写成了总结药物学知识和经验的巨著《本草纲目》医药学家李时珍像 For
this reason, Li Shizhen wore straw sandals and carried a medicine basket. She
traveled thousands of miles, listened to the opinions of countless people, read
more than 800 books, and spent 27 years. Finally, she wrote a great work
compendium of Materia Medica, which summarized the knowledge and experience of
pharmacology 相关链接 Related
links 为了纪念我国古代科学家对世界科学技术的伟大贡献,国际上用张衡冲之等科学家的名字来命名月球上的环形山。 In
order to commemorate the great contribution of ancient Chinese scientists to
world science and technology, the crater on the moon was named after Zhang
hengchong and other scientists in the world. 活动园 Activity
Park 中国科学院2016年发布了《中国古代重要科技发明创造》一书,推选出古代科学发现与创造、技术发明、工程成就共88项重要科技成就。 In
2016, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published the book "important
scientific and technological inventions and creations in ancient China",
which selected 88 important scientific and technological achievements in
ancient times, including scientific discoveries and creations, technological
inventions and engineering achievements. 请利用图书、博物馆、互联网等资源,搜集和整理关于中国古代科技的资料信息,补充下表,并与同学交流。 Please
use books, museums, Internet and other resources to collect and sort out
information about ancient Chinese science and technology, supplement the table
below and exchange with your classmates. 领先世界的中国古代科技成就简表 A
brief list of ancient Chinese scientific and technological achievements leading
the world 人物 character 时代 times 突出成就 Outstanding
achievements 蔡伦 东汉 改进造纸术 Cai
Lun improved papermaking in Eastern Han Dynasty 张衡 东汉 发明地动仪 Zhang
Heng invented seismograph in Eastern Han Dynasty 华佗 东汉 发明“麻沸散” Hua
Tuo invented "mabeisan" in Eastern Han Dynasty 祖冲之 南朝把 圆周率的精确值推算到小数点后第七位 In
the Southern Dynasties, Zu Chong calculated the precise value of pi to the
seventh decimal place 毕昇 北宋 发明活字印刷术 Bi
Sheng invented movable type printing in Northern Song Dynasty 我国古代科学家追求真理、献身科技的故事,对你有什么启发? What
inspiration can you get from the stories of ancient Chinese scientists pursuing
truth and devoting themselves to science and technology? 我要像李时珍样,做一个有理想有追求,又脚踏实她、不懈努力的人。 Like
Li Shizhen, I want to be a person who has ideals and pursuits, but also sets
foot on her and makes unremitting efforts. 在生活中,我要像张衡一样,善于观察,善于思考,做一个有 In
my life, like Zhang Heng, I should be good at observing and thinking, and be a
talented person 我听过鲁班发明锯的传说,我要像他一样,用科技发明来改善人们的生活。 I
have heard the legend of Luban inventing saw, and I want to use technology
invention to improve people's lives like him. 独具特色的古代科学 Unique
ancient science 我国的中医药学已有几千年的历史,在世界上独树一帜独特的医学理论、诊疗方法和丰富的中草药,为无数人解除病痛。 China's
traditional Chinese medicine has a history of thousands of years. It has
developed its own unique medical theory, diagnosis and treatment methods and
rich Chinese herbal medicine in the world, relieving the pain of countless
people. 中医药学是世界医学宝中的瑰宝,至今仍内智慧的光芒到国家的认同。 Traditional
Chinese medicine is one of the most important medical treasures in the world,
and it is still recognized by the nation with its wisdom. 推拿 massage 拔火罐 cupping 针灸 acupuncture 中医疗法当中,一把把草药、一根根银针、一个个火罐往往能解除病痛。 Traditional
Chinese medicine therapy, a handful of herbs, a root of silver needle, a cupping
can often relieve pain. 在里约奥运会上,美国、白俄罗斯等国运动员纷纷选择拔火罐疗法来调节身体状况,充分感受这一古老中医疗法的奇妙。At the Rio Olympic Games, athletes from the United States, Belarus
and other countries have chosen cupping therapy to adjust their physical
condition, fully feeling the wonder of this ancient Chinese medicine therapy. 活动园 Activity
Park 中国历史上有很多著名医学家,如扁鹊、张仲景、华佗、孙思邈。 There
are many famous medical experts in Chinese history, such as Bian que, Zhang
Zhongjing, Hua Tuo and Sun Simiao. 请以小组为单位查找资料,看看他们都作出了哪些贡献。 Please
take the group as a unit to find out what contributions they have made. 我在一本连环画上看过华佗的故事。 I
read the story of Hua Tuo in a comic book. 有一次,一个病人腹痛十几天。 Once,
a patient had abdominal pain for more than ten days. 华佗诊断病人脾脏部分坏死。 Hua
Tuo diagnosed partial splenic necrosis. 他给病人服用“麻沸散”进行剖腹手术,将脾的坏死部分切除,然后缝合,数上药。 He
gave the patient "mabeisan" for laparotomy, removed the necrotic part
of the spleen, then sutured it, counted and applied the medicine. 不久,病人就痊意了。 Soon
the patient recovered. 后来,人们常常称医术高明的医生为“华佗再世” Later,
people often called the doctor with excellent medical skills "Hua Tuo's
rebirth" 我家附近中医诊所的大堂墙壁上挂着写有孙思邈名言的条幅:“凡大医治病,必当安神定志,无欲无求……若有疾厄来求救者。 On
the wall of the lobby of the traditional Chinese medicine clinic near my home,
there is a banner with Sun Simiao's famous saying: "if you treat a serious
disease, you must calm your mind, have no desire, have no request... If you
have a disease, please come for help. 不得问其贵贱贫富,长幼妍媸,怨亲善友,华夷愚智,普同一等,皆如至亲之想。 They
should not be asked whether they are rich or poor, whether they are young or
old, whether they resent their relatives or friends, whether they are Chinese
or foreign, whether they are stupid or intelligent, whether they are common or
not. 阅读角 Reading
corner 青嵩素 artemisinin 青嵩是我国常见的一种草本植物,在民间又称作臭嵩或苦嵩。 Kobresia
soongorica is a common herb in China, also known as Kobresia or Kobresia in
folk. 中国古代医书很早就有对青嵩的记,(后备急方)指出,青嵩能治疟疾。 Ancient
Chinese medical books have long recorded that Qingsong can cure malaria. 中国科学家从老的中医文中获灵感,经历了上百次的失败之后,终于研制出抗疟疾的青蒿素,拯救了数方人的生命。 Inspired
by the traditional Chinese medicine literature, Chinese scientists have finally
developed artemisinin, an anti malaria drug, after hundreds of failures, which
has saved the lives of several people. 在此过程中,科学家屠呦呦和她的团队解决了关性技术难题,作出重大贡献。 In
this process, scientist Tu youyou and her team have solved relevant technical
problems and made significant contributions. 2015年,屠呦呦是成为首位获得诺页尔科学类项的中国女科学家。 In
2015, Tu youyou became the first Chinese female scientist to win the Nobel
Prize. 在典卡乡林斯卡学院作了题为(青蒿素——中医药给营的一份礼物)的演讲。 He
gave a speech entitled "artemisinin, a gift of traditional Chinese
medicine to the camp" in linska college, Dianka township. 在演讲中,屠呦呦说:“中国医药学是一个伟大宝库,应当努力发掘,加以提高。” In
his speech, Tu youyou said, "Chinese medicine is a great treasure house,
which should be explored and improved." 她与中医一同赢得了全世界的尊重。 Together
with traditional Chinese medicine, she has won the respect of the whole world. 屠呦呦 Tu
youyou 村民在青种植基地收割青 Villagers
harvest green crops in green planting base 中国是世界农业的主要发源地。 China
is the main birthplace of world agriculture. 祖先们在长期的农业生产活动中,总结出丰富的农业生产经验,在与农业密切相关的天文历法方面,也取得辉煌成就。 In
the long-term agricultural production activities, the ancestors summed up rich
experience in agricultural production and made brilliant achievements in
astronomy and calendar, which is closely related to agriculture. 这些靠劳动人民聪明才智获得的科学知识和生产技术,在世界上长期处于领先地位。 The
scientific knowledge and production technology obtained by the working people
have been in a leading position in the world for a long time 阅读角 Reading
corner 甘石星表 Catalogue
of Cassiterite 国时期,天文学家甘德和石申仅眼观测,记录了80多颗星的名了100多颗恒的位置,出了世界上最早的星表。 During
the period of the Republic of China, astronomers Gande and Shi Shen only
observed with their eyes. They recorded the names of more than 80 stars and the
positions of more than 100 stars, making them the earliest catalogue in the
world. 据记载,甘到了木星大的卫星一卫三,这比意大利科学家略望远发现大约2000年。 According
to records, Gan arrived at Jupiter's large moon, Titan, which is slightly more
distant than that of Italian scientists, and was discovered about 2000 years
ago. 活动园 Activity
Park “二十四节”是我国古代法的独创造。 "Twenty
four stanzas" is the unique creation of ancient Chinese law. 它把一周年分成24等份,每一等份为一个“节气”,表示季节的更替和气候的变化,并用以指导农业活动。 It
divides a year into 24 equal parts, each of which is a "solar term",
indicating the change of seasons and climate, and is used to guide agricultural
activities. 千百年来,“二个四气”一直被中国民所沿用,至今仍在人们的生产和生活中发挥作用。 For
thousands of years, "two four Qi" has been used by the Chinese people
and still plays a role in people's production and life. 2016年,“二四节气”被正式到入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。 In
2016, "24 solar terms" was officially included in the UNESCO
Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative List. 惊蜇表示春雷惊醒了蜇居的动物,这时天气转暖,春耕马上就要开始了。 Stung
means that Chunlei wakes the stung animals. At this time, the weather gets
warmer and spring ploughing is about to begin. 你知道二十四节气歌吗?你能选择一个节气,讲一讲它的特点吗? Do
you know the 24 solar terms song? Can you choose a solar term and talk about
its characteristics? 数学在中国古代被称为“算术”或“算学”。中国古代十分重视数学研究及其运用,并取得了巨大成就。 Mathematics
was called "arithmetic" or "arithmetic" in ancient China.
Ancient China attached great importance to the study and application of
mathematics and made great achievements. 《九章算术》是中国古代重要的数学著作,被历代数学家奉为“算经之首”。 Nine
chapter arithmetic is an important mathematical work in ancient China, which is
regarded as "the first of Suan Jing" by mathematicians of past
dynasties. 全书共分九章,收录了200多个例题,这些例题与人们的生产生活联系紧密。 The
book is divided into nine chapters, including more than 200 examples, which are
closely related to people's production and life 《九章算术》节影 "Nine
chapters of arithmetic" festival shadow 算盘是中国人发明的一种计算工具,制作简单,携带和使用也很方便。 Abacus
is a kind of calculation tool invented by Chinese. It is easy to make, carry
and use. 算盘发明后,传入朝鲜、日本、东南亚以及世界其他地区。 After
the invention of abacus, it was introduced to Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia and
other parts of the world. 算盘 Abacus 独领风骚的古代技术创造 The
leading ancient technological creation 形态钢器、绚丽多彩的丝绸、精美绝伦的瓷器、造知,向世界展现了中国古代劳动人民的精湛技艺与勤劳智慧。 Shape
steel, colorful silk, exquisite porcelain and Zaozhi show the world the
exquisite skills and industrious wisdom of the ancient Chinese working people. 相关链接 Related
links 3000多年前,我们的祖先创造了灿烂辉煌的青铜文明。 商朝的词母戊鼎(有学者认为应称之为“后母戊鼎”)重800多千克,工艺十分复杂。 More
than 3000 years ago, our ancestors created a splendid bronze civilization. The
CI Mu Wu Ding of Shang Dynasty (some scholars think it should be called
"Hou Mu Wu Ding") weighs more than 800 kg, and its technology is very
complicated. 司母戊鼎 simuwu Tripod 我国是世界上最种桑养蚕的国家,也是最早生产丝绸的国家。 China
is the world's most mulberry silkworm country, but also the first country to produce
silk. 出土于湖南长沙马王堆汉墓的素纱禅衣,柔软透明,如蝉翼,重40多克,距今已有2000多年。 The
silk Zen clothes unearthed from Mawangdui Tomb of Han Dynasty in Changsha,
Hunan Province, are soft and transparent, like cicada wings, weighing more than
40 grams. They are more than 2000 years ago. 它充分表明,我国丝织技术在很早便已达到相当高的水平。 It
fully shows that China's silk weaving technology has reached a fairly high
level very early. 西汉素纱禅衣 Western
Han Dynasty silk Zen clothes 我国素有“瓷国”之称。 China
is known as the "porcelain country". 河南洛阳出土的东汉青瓷四系罐表明,早在近2000年前,我国的能工巧匠已发明比较成熟的制瓷技术。 The
four series Celadon pots of Eastern Han Dynasty unearthed in Luoyang, Henan
Province, show that as early as 2000 years ago, China's skilled craftsmen had
invented relatively mature porcelain making technology. 而欧洲人直到18世纪初才仿制成功。到了宋代,我国的瓷器制作技术更加成熟。 The
Europeans did not succeed until the early 18th century. By the Song Dynasty,
China's porcelain production technology was more mature. 这一时期的瓷器,品种繁多,器型丰富,烧制精美。 There
are many kinds of porcelain in this period, with rich shapes and exquisite
firing. 当时的瓷器还远销海外,名扬世界。 At
that time, porcelain was still sold abroad and was famous all over the world. 东汉青瓷四系罐 Four
series Celadon pot of Eastern Han Dynasty 都江堰是战国时期蜀郡守李冰父子在江上修建的大型水利工程。 Dujiangyan
is a large-scale water conservancy project built on the river by Li Bing and
his son, the governor of Shu Prefecture during the Warring States period. 它的设计极其巧妙,在高山和平原交接处,利用地势和河道,把成都平原变成了“天府之国”。 Its
design is extremely ingenious. At the junction of mountains and plains, the
Chengdu Plain is transformed into a "land of abundance" by using
terrain and river channels. 2000多年来,都江堰一直发挥着防洪灌溉的巨大作用。它凝聚着中国古代劳动人民的勤劳,勇敢和智慧。 Dujiangyan
has been playing an important role in flood control and irrigation for more
than 2000 years. It embodies the diligence, bravery and wisdom of the working
people in ancient China. 都江堰 Dujiang
Dam 赵州桥由隋朝著名工匠李春设计建造,是闻名世界的古老的石拱桥。 Zhaozhou
Bridge, designed and built by Li Chun, a famous craftsman of Sui Dynasty, is an
ancient stone arch bridge famous all over the world. 全桥有一个主拱,在主拱的两端,又设有四个小拱。 There
is a main arch in the whole bridge, and there are four small arches at both
ends of the main arch. 这种创造性的设计,既节省石料,减轻了桥身的重量,又可以扩大泄洪量,减少洪水对石桥的冲击,延长石桥的寿命。 This
creative design can not only save stones and reduce the weight of the bridge,
but also expand the flood discharge, reduce the impact of flood on the stone
bridge, and extend the life of the stone bridge. 赵州桥 Zhaozhou
Bridge 你还知道哪些中国古代的技术创造? What
else do you know about ancient Chinese technological creations? 分组搜集资料进行探究,并在班级交流和展示。 Group
to collect data to explore, and in class communication and display. 阅读角 Reading
corner 南海一号 Nanhai-1 800多年前的一天,一艘远赴海外进行贸易的南宋商船在南海沉没。 One
day more than 800 years ago, a merchant ship of the Southern Song Dynasty went
abroad for trade and sank in the South China Sea. 后来,人们在海底发现了这艘沉船,并将之命名为“南海一号”。 Later,
the wreck was found on the sea floor and named it "Nanhai 1". 2007年,随着“南海一”沉船被整体打捞出水,考古从员开始了清理发工作。 In
2007, with the wreck of "Nanhai No.1" being salvaged, archaeologists
began the work of cleaning and hairdressing. 截至2016年月“南海一号”共出土瓷器13000件套,主要是当时中国南方著名客口的产品。 Up
to 2016, 13000 porcelain sets have been unearthed from "Nanhai No.1",
mainly the products of famous customers in southern China at that time. “南海一号”是怎样沉的,这些瓷器要销往哪里,还有待于进一步考证与研究。 How
"Nanhai No.1" sank and where these porcelains would be sold still
need further research and research. 改变世界的四大发明 Four
great inventions that change the world 造纸术、印刷术、指南针和火药 |
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