Unit3 第三单元 6 Visiting Ancient Civilisations 6 探访古代文明 1. The birthplace of early civilisations早期文明发祥地 2. Many of the achievements of human civilisation can be traced back to their origins. 放眼世界,人类拥有的很多文明成就,都可以追本溯源。 3. The discovery of ancient ruins in many parts of the world tells us that all the world's peoples have made their own unique contribution to human civilisation. 世界多个地区古代遗迹的发现,告诉我们世界各民族都对人类文明作出了自己独特的贡献。 4. The emergence of early civilised regions indicates that mankind is beginning to cross the threshold of the Age of Civilisation. 早期文明区域的出现,表明人类开始跨入文明时代的门槛。 5. The rise and fall of regional civilisations, their intermingling and changes, form a historical picture of the evolution of human civilisation. 区域文明的兴衰、交融和变迁,构成了人类文明演进的历史画卷。 6. Let's explore the early civilisations of mankind together. 让我们一起去探访人类早期文明。 7. Activity Garden活动园 8. Read the map below and tell us where the early human civilisations were located. 阅读下面的地图,说说人类早期文明主要分布在哪些地区。 9. The birthplace of the great river basin civilisations 大河流域文明发祥地 10. I found that all these early civilisations were located in the Great River Basin. 我发现这些早期文明都位于大河流域。 11. I found - .....我发现··..... 12. The Chinese people have a long history and a splendid culture. 中华民族有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。 13. The Yellow River and the Yangtze River are two of the most important rivers in China and are known as the 'Mother Rivers', the Yellow River Basin and the Yangtze River Basin are the birthplaces of Chinese civilisation. 黄河和长江是我国最主要的两条河流,被称为“母亲河”,黄河流域和长江流域是中华文明的发祥地。 14. Activity Park活动园 15. In Chinese history, the Hemudu people (about 7000 years ago) in the Yangtze River valley and the Hampo people (about 6000 years ago) in the Yellow River valley have been settled for a long time. 在中国历史上,位于长江流域的河姆渡人(距今约7000年)和位于黄河流域的半坡人(距今约6000年),早就开始了定居生活。 16. How were their houses built, what kind of tools did they use and what was their life like? 他们的房屋是如何建造的,他们使用什么样的工具,他们的生活又是怎样的呢? 17. Read the information below or gather more information and try to be a 'little archaeologist' by choosing a topic that interests you in terms of housing, food and use! 请阅读下面的图文信息或收集更多的资料,从住、食、用等方面选择一个你感兴趣的话题,尝试做个“小小考古学家”吧! 18. A diagram of the houses of the people of Halfpole 半坡居民房屋示意图 19. Diagram of the houses of the Hemudu inhabitants 河姆渡居民房屋示意图 20. Small-mouthed, pointed-bottomed vase from the Hemudu site 半坡遗址出土的小口尖底瓶 21. Bone plows unearthed at the Hemudu site 河姆渡遗址出土的骨耜 22. Corn excavated from the Hanpo site 半坡遗址出土的粟 23. Rice excavated from the Hemudu site 河姆渡遗址出土的稻谷 24. The ancient ancestors gradually learnt to cultivate crops in their gathering life and to raise animals in their hunting life, and after a long period of effort, they eventually achieved the great change from gathering to farming and from fishing and hunting to animal husbandry, fully reflecting the wisdom of the ancient ancestors. 远古先民在采集生活中逐渐学会栽培农作物,在狩猎生活中学会了饲养动物,经过长期努力,最终实现了从采集到农耕、从渔猎到畜养的伟大变革,充分体现了古代先民的智慧。 25. The emergence and development of primitive agriculture laid an important foundation for the formation of ancient civilisation. 原始农业的兴起和发展为古代文明社会的形成奠定了重要基础。 26. Activity Garden活动园 27. In order to better understand early civilisations, students also looked up different sources. 为了更好地了解早期文明,同学们还查找到不同的资料。 28 What else did you find out besides that? .除此之外,你还有哪些发现? 29. Ancient Egyptian civilisation originated in north-eastern Africa. 古埃及文明发源于非洲东北部。 30. The Nile River flowed through it from south to north, leaving a narrow valley and At the mouth of the sea it formed a vast delta, which was the home of the ancient Egyptians. 尼罗河自南向北从这里流过,留下一条狭长的河谷,并在出海口形成一片广阔的三角洲,这是古埃及人的家乡。 31. The ancient Egyptians used the waters of the Nile to irrigate their coastal and the delta plain, growing crops such as barley, wheat and flax, turning the Nile Valley into a 'granary'. 古埃及人利用尼罗河河水灌溉沿岸和三角洲平原的农田,栽种大麦、小麦和亚麻等作物,把尼罗河流域变成了“粮仓”。 32 Ancient Egyptian frescoes of water being used for irrigation.古埃及人取水灌溉的壁画 33. The area between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers was known as the 'Two Rivers Valley'. 幼发拉底河和底格里斯河两河之间的地方被称为“两河流域”。 34. The people who lived here learned to fight floods by building dykes, diverting irrigation canals and developing agriculture. 生活在这里的人们在和洪水的斗争中,学会了修堤坝、引渠灌溉和发展农业。 35. The seal of the two river basin people growing cereals 两河流域人种植谷物的印章 36. The ancient Indians domesticated animals and cultivated grains and cotton in the Indus and Ganges valleys古印度人在印度河流域、恒河流域驯养动物,种植谷物和棉花。 . 37. Seal of the ancient Indians domesticating animals 古印度人驯养动物的印章 38. I found scripts appearing in all of these early civilisation areas, and these scripts have commonalities and differences. 我发现这些早期文明区域都有文字出现,这些文字有共同点,也有不同点。 39. The Chinese oracle bone script 中国的甲骨文 40. The cuneiform script of ancient Babylon 古巴比伦的楔形文字 41. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics 古埃及的象形文字 42. The brilliant cultures created in the early civilisation areas also include medicine, mathematics, architecture, literature and art ------- They have all made important contributions to human civilisation They all made important contributions to the development of human civilisation and had a major impact on the world. 早期文明区域创造的灿烂文化还有医学、数学、建筑学、文学、艺术·······它们都对人类文明发展作出了重要贡献,对世界产生了重要影响。 43. A world-famous cultural heritage 闻名世界的文化遗产 44. The world is full of breathtaking cultural heritage, which is the pride of the world's people and the jewel of human civilisation. 世界上有许多令人叹为观止的文化遗产,这些文化遗产是世界人民的骄傲,更是人类文明的瑰宝。 45. They bear witness to the ingenuity of working people and showcase the glorious history of early human civilisation. 它们见证着劳动人民的聪明才智,展现着早期人类文明的辉煌历史。 46. Reading Corner阅读角 殷墟 Yinxu 47. Located in the north-western suburbs of Anyang in Henan Province, Yinxu is the site of a late Shang Dynasty capital in China, more than 3,300 years old. 殷墟位于中国历史文化名城-河南省安阳市的西北郊,是中国商代晚期的都城遗址,距今已有3300多年的历史。 48. The ruins have been inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2006 as an important milestone in human civilisation for their historical, cultural, scientific and artistic value. 殷墟以其重要的历史、文化、科学和艺术价值,成为人类文明进程中一座重要的里程碑,于2006年被列入《世界遗产名录》。 Activity Park活动园 49. Yinxu was the first documented site of an ancient capital in Chinese history, confirmed by oracle bone inscriptions and archaeological excavations. 殷墟是中国历史上第一个有文献可考,并为甲骨文和考古发掘所证实的古代都城遗址。 50. The large number of architectural sites found at Yinxu and the rich cultural remains represented by oracle bone inscriptions and bronze artefacts systematically reveal the glorious and brilliant bronze civilisation of the late Shang Dynasty in China. 殷墟发现的大量建筑遗址和以甲骨文、青铜器等为代表的丰富的文化遗存,系统地展现了中国商代晚期辉煌灿烂的青铜文明。 51. Do you know of any other world-shattering archaeological discoveries here? Please tell us about them. 你知道这里还有哪些震惊世界的考古发现吗?请说说有关它们的故事。 52. Inscribed oracle bones刻有文字的甲骨 The owl (xiāo) dun鸮(xiāo)尊 Jade dragon玉龙 China is an ancient civilisation with a long history, with many precious historical relics and sites. 53.我国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,有众多珍贵的历史文物、历史遗址。 54. What other Chinese cultural heritage do you know? What can we do to protect them today? 你还知道哪些中国文化遗产?今天,我们又该怎样保护它们? Activity Garden活动园 55. The pyramids are a symbol of ancient Egyptian civilisation and there are nearly a hundred large and small pyramidal remains along the Nile. 金字塔是古埃及文明的象征,在尼罗河沿岸有大大小小的金字塔遗存近百处。 56. The construction of the pyramids is a testament to the heights achieved by the ancient Egyptians in the fields of architecture, mathematics and physics. 金字塔的建造充分证明古埃及人在建筑学、数学、物理学等方面所达到的高度。 57. How did the ancient Egyptians build such huge and beautiful pyramids in an era when there were no modern scientific or technological means? 在没有现代科学技术手段的古代,古埃及人是怎么建成如此巨大而精美的金字塔的? 58. How were these huge stones of different shapes stacked up? 这些不同形状的巨石是怎样堆砌起来的? 59. What were the pyramids used for? 金字塔是用来做什么的? 60. And how were mummies made? ------ Please choose a question of interest to try and explore. 木乃伊又是如何制作的?······请选择一个感兴趣的问题尝试着去探究。 61. According to historical records, at least 100,000 people took part in the construction of the Pyramids of Khufu, and it took ten years to build the chambers and roads alone, using the simplest of tools - ramps, rollers and levers. 据史料记载,至少有十万人参加了胡夫金字塔的建造,仅墓室和道路的修建就用了十年,其建造过程采用最简单的工具-坡道、滚筒和杠杆。 62. The pyramid itself took 20 years to build. 金字塔本身的修建则花费了20年时间。 63. I was told that the pyramids were the tombs where the ancient Egyptian pharaohs were buried. 我听说,金字塔是安葬古埃及法老的陵墓。 64. When the pharaohs died, they were mummified. Mummies. 法老死后会被制成木乃伊。木乃伊。 65. Placed in an airtight chamber, they lasted for ages. 放在密不透风的墓室中,经久不坏。 Reading Corner阅读角 66. Over 3700 years ago, in order to maintain his rule, Hammurabi, king of the ancient kingdom of Babylon, created a code of law, known in history as the Code of Hammurabi. 3700多年前,为了维持统治,古巴比伦王国国王汉谟拉比制定了一部法典,史称《汉谟拉比法典》。 67. It is the world's first known complete written code of law, with 282 articles. 它是迄今已知的世界上第一部较为完整的成文法典,共有282条。 68. The code is inscribed on a stone pillar. The pillar was erected in a temple in Babylon. 法典被刻在一块石柱上。石柱竖立在巴比伦的一座神殿里。 69. At the top of the pillar is an elaborate relief depicting the sun god on a throne conferring a symbol of the king's power on Hammurabi. 石柱上部是一幅精致的浮雕,宝座上的太阳神正把象征国王权力的权标授予汉谟拉比。 70. In the middle of the pillar, the exact text of the code is engraved in cuneiform. 石柱中部刻着法典的具体条文,使用的文字是楔形文字。 71. The pillar is now in the Louvre in Paris, France. 现在,这块石柱被珍藏在法国巴黎卢浮宫。 The Garden of Activities活动园 72. Apart from the achievements of the ancient civilisations mentioned above, what other achievements do you know of from ancient civilisations? 除了前面提到的古代文明成就外,你还知道哪些古代文明成就? 73. Please collect relevant information and tell your classmates about them. 请收集相关资料,和同学讲讲它们的故事。 74. The ruins of Olympia 奥林匹亚遗址 75. The Colosseum in Ancient Rome 古罗马斗兽场 76. The ruins of the palaces of the ancient Persian Empire 古代波斯帝国的宫殿遗址 77. The architecture of the Persian Empire was a blend of the artistic achievements of ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon and ancient Greece. 波斯帝国的建筑融合了古埃及、古巴比伦和古希腊的艺术成就。 78. What do you sense from the splendid civilisations created by these countries? 你从这些国家创造的灿烂文明中感受到了什么? 79. The ancient civilisations of mankind were brilliant in their achievements and did not exist in isolation from each other, but learned from each other and from each other. 人类古代文明成就辉煌,不同文明之间不是孤立存在的,而是相互学习和借鉴的。 80. The relics of ancient civilisations are an important way for us to understand the past and a common spiritual and cultural treasure of humanity that we need to cherish, appreciate and pass on.古代文明的遗迹是我们了解过去的重要途径,也是人类共同的精神财富和文化财富,需要我们去珍惜、领悟和传承。 81. Among the intertwined early civilisations, only Chinese civilisation has continued uninterrupted to this day, which is an important source of cultural confidence for the Chinese nation. 在交相辉映的早期文明中,只有中华文明一直延续至今,未曾中断,这是中华民族文化自信的重要源泉。 |
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