U7、 All things along the coast - plus or minus (two) 大海边——100以内的加减法(二) Lesson One 第一课 How many did you catch? 一共捉了多少只? What more questions can you ask? 你还能提出什么问题? You said I said 你说我讲 How many crabs have been caught? 一共捉了多少只螃蟹? twenty-six plus twelve equals 26+12= (只) Twenty plus ten equals thirty 20+ 10=30 twenty-six plus ten equals thirty-six 26+ 10=36 Six plus two equals eight 6+2=8 thirty-six plus two equals thirty-eight 36+2=38 Thirty plus eight thirty-eight 30+8=38 You can use vertical calculation, try it. 可以用竖式计算,试试看。 26 + 12 38 In vertical calculation, the same number should be aligned. 用竖式计算,相同数位要对齐。 How many shrimp did you catch? 一共捉了多少只虾? Eleven plus twenty-three equals 11 +23= (只) Lesson two 第二课 I used forty-seven shells. 我用了47个。 I used thirty-two shells. 我用了32个。 I used eleven shells. 我用了11个。 How many shells does a ship use more than a sail ship? 摆轮船比摆帆船多用多少个贝壳? What more questions can you ask? 你还能提出什么问题? You said I said 你说我讲 How many shells does a ship use more than a sail ship? 摆轮船比摆帆船多用多少个贝壳? forty-seven minus thirty-two equals 47-32= (个) Forty minus thirty equals ten 40-30= 10 Seven minus two equals five 7-2=5 Ten plus five equals fifteen 10+5=15 4 7 — 3 2 1 5 How many shells do seagulls use more than sails? 摆海鸥比摆帆船多用多少个贝壳? I use the hard formula. 我用坚式计算。 How many shells does a sailboat use more than a seagull? 摆帆船比摆海鸥多用多少个贝壳? Lesson three 第三课 Left 左 fifteen fish 15条 twenty-three fish 23条 right 右 twenty-eight fish 28条 twenty-seven fish 27条 How many fish are there in the fish tank on the left? 左边鱼缸里有多少条鱼? Wow, so many fish! 哇,这么多鱼呀! What more questions can you ask? 你还能提出什么问题? You said I said 你说我讲 How many fish are there in the fish tank on the left? 左边鱼缸里有多少条鱼? Fifteen and twenty eight equals 15+28= (条) I list vertical calculations. 我列竖式计算。 Five plus eight equals thirteen. How? 5加8等于13,怎样写呢? 15 + 28 43 How many fish are there in the fish tank on the right? 右边鱼缸里有多少条鱼? Add up from each position, each full ten to ten into one. 从个位加起,个位满10向十位进1。 Lesson four 第四课 forty-two species twenty-six species eighty species seventeen species 42种26种80种17种 How many kinds of fish specimens are more than shrimp specimens? 鱼类标本比虾类标本多多少种? What more questions can you ask? 你还能提出什么问题? You said I said 你说我讲 How many kinds of fish specimens are more than shrimp specimens? 鱼类标本比虾类标本多多少种? forty-two minus twenty-six equals 42-26= (种) Two minus six is not enough, how to do? 个位上2减6不够减,怎么办呢? How many species are shrimp specimens less than shellfish specimens? 虾类标本比贝类标本少多少种? Not enough subtraction, from ten back one, add ten to each position, then subtract. 个位不够减,从十位退1,在个位上加10,再减。 Lesson five 第五课 I buy conch and coral. 我买海螺和珊瑚。 You said I said 你说我讲 Use fifty yuan to buy a conch and a coral, how much money left? 用50元钱去买一个海螺和一个珊瑚,还剩多少元钱? I'm like this 我这样列式 Fifty minus thirteen minus seventeen equals 50-13-17= (元) You can calculate the total amount of money, and then calculate how much money. 可以先算一共用了多少钱,再算制下多少钱。 Thirteen plus seventeen equals thirty 13+ 17=30 (元) fifty minus thirty equals twenty 50-30=20 (元) How much does it cost to buy dolphins, hedgehogs and conch? 要买海豚、刺猬和海螺,一共需要多少元? Smart square 智慧广场 I began to plant the first tree at the age of eight, and then one tree a year more than the previous year. 我从8岁开始种第一棵树,以后每年比前一年多种1棵树。 Huanhuan is eleven years old this year, how many trees have been planted altogether? 欢欢今年11岁了,一共种了多少棵树? You said I said 你说我讲 I draw a picture first and count it again. 我先画一画,再数一数。 I count eight years old and nine years old and two... 我用手指数一数,8岁1棵,9岁2棵...... You can first list the number of trees planted each year in turn, and then add up. 可以先将每一年植树的棵数依次列举出来,再加起来。 One plus two plus three plus four equals ten 1+2+3+4=10(棵) Huanhuan planted a total of 10 trees. 欢欢一共种了10棵树。 |
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