16 Boiling water水沸腾 1. What does water look like when it boils?水烧开时是什么样子的? 2. Task card: Accompanied by a shelf, observe the phenomenon when water boils.任务卡:在架子的陪同下,观察水烧开时的现象。 3. Activity process活动过程 4. Heat the water, what do you find?给水加热,有什么发现? 5. Record every minute.每隔一分钟记录一次。 6. I see bubbles coming out.我看见有气泡冒出来。 7. Thinking navigation思维导航 8. How does the temperature change as you heat the water?给水加热的过程中,温度是怎样变化的? 9. What are the phenomena?有哪些现象? 10. After the water is boiling, it continues to heat for 2-3 minutes.水烧开后,继续加热2-3分钟, 11. How does the temperature change?温度会怎样变化? 12. What are the phenomena?有哪些现象? 13. The data can be organized in graphs.可以用图表整理数据。 14. After analyzing the data, I found that ------数据分析后,我发现······ 15. Is it 100°C when water is boiling?水烧开时是100℃吗? 16. Inquiry skills探究技能 17. To record, organize and analyze data with the help of a graph is to process information.借助图表对数据进行记录、整理和分析,就是在处理信息。 18. When water is heated to a certain temperature, it rapidly produces a large number of bubbles水加热到一定温度时,会迅速产生大量气泡, 19. and keeps tumbling up.并不停地翻腾起来。 20. This phenomenon is called boiling.这种现象叫做沸腾。 21. extension activities拓展活动 22. When you boil water at the top of a mountain and at the bottom of a mountain, does the water boil at the same temperature?在高山的山顶和山脚下烧水,水沸腾时的温度一样吗? 23. Look up the information and find out.查阅资料,了解一下吧。 |
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