
陈雷英语 科学 四年级下册 查看内容


2021-6-11 15:58| 发布者: admin| 查看: 103| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Unit 1第一单元

Movement of objects物体的运动


1.When you get on the speeding train when you swing around swing as you enjoy the speed and passion the coaster brings you. .. 当你坐上飞驰的列车时,当你在秋千上摇来荡去时,当你享受过山车带给你的速度与激情时.....

2.Do you know that you are doing different forms of motion, and the moving object has a certain amount of energy?你是否知道自己在做着不同形式的运动,而运动的物体具有一定的能量呢?

1    Movement and Force运动与

How to make the bike move?怎样让自行车动起来?

.How to change the speed of bicycle movement?怎样改变自行车运动的快慢?

Material package材料包

1. Windmills, cans balls, bottled mineral water, walnuts, etc. 风车、易拉罐小球、瓶装矿泉水、核桃等。

2. Activity process活动过程

3. Observe the movement phenomenon of objects and describe the changes in the moving state of objects. 观察物体的运动现象,描述物体运动状态的变化。

4. The swing started at rest.  秋千开始时是静止的。

5. The car is driving, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. 汽车行驶时,有时快有时慢。

6. I also know我还知道……

7. Objects change from static to motion, from motion to stillness, or from speed to speed, all of which are changes in the state of motion of objects.物体由静止变为运动,由运动变为静止,或者运动快慢发生改变等现象,都是物体运动状态的变化。

8. How to change the motion of an object?怎样改变物体的运动状态?

9. Stop it, I'll blow it again.快停了,我再吹一下。

10. Push the pencil case with your hand用手一推文具盒就……

11. Change the speed of the motion of the object, so that the object to start or stop the need to apply force to the object.改变物体运动的快慢,使物体启动或停止需要给物体施加力。

12. Do the moving objects have the energy? 运动的物体具有能量吗?

13. To avoid moving objects to cause harm to the human body!要避免运动的物体对人体造成伤害!

14. Inquiry skills探究技能

15. According to the fact that the ball can knock the bottle down and the hammer can break the walnut open, the conclusion that the moving object has energy is reasoning.依据运动的球能把瓶子击倒、运动的锤子能把核桃砸开等事实,推出运动的物体,具有能量的结论,就是在推理。

16. Outreach activities拓展活动

17. Observe the moving objects in life and say how their motion changes.观察生活中运动的物体,说一说它们的运动状态是怎样发生改变的。







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