
陈雷英语 科学 六年级下册 查看内容


2021-6-11 16:31| 发布者: admin| 查看: 130| 评论: 0

摘要: .
1 8 Computers and the Internet1 8 电脑与网络
Learn about how people use computers and the Internet了解人们对电脑和网络的利用情况
What do computers and the Internet bring to our lives?电脑和网络给我们的生活带来了什么?
This is the record of my research这是我的调查记录
Use the Internet or not是否用因特网
What do you use it for?用来做什么
Play chess下国际象棋
Xiao Ming小明
To look up information查资料
Information card资料卡
The Internet is the largest computer network in the world.因特网((internet))是世界上最大的计算机网络。
It has two distinctive features: 它有两个显著的特点
firstly, it has a large coverage, covering most countries and regions in the world; 一是覆盖面大,覆盖了全世界大多数国家和地区;
secondly, it has a unified specification, using the TCP/IP network protocol, which provides a unified platform for the development of various applications. 二是规范统一,统一使用“TCP/IP网络协议,为各种应用程序的开发提供统一的平台。
Why do you want to go online?为什么要上网呢?
There are abundant resources on the Internet.1.因特网上有丰富的资源。
If you are interested in the news, you can immediately find the latest news happening around the world;如果你对新闻感兴趣,你可以立刻找到发生在世界各地的最新新闻; if you are interested in a scientific issue, you can find its detailed introduction on the Internet;如果你对某个科学问题感兴趣,你能在网上找到它的详细介绍;
if you are interested in sports, you can learn from the Internet about the events around the world and the interesting stories of sports stars如果你对体育感兴趣,你能从网上了解到世界各地的赛事和体育明星的趣闻逸事
The Internet provides many ways to communicate with each other. 2.因特网提供了多种人与人之间的交流方法。
You can send e-mails, make long-distance phone calls to friends abroad, and chat or play games with many friends over the Internet.你可以通过因特网发送电子邮件,可以通过因特网给国外的朋友打长途电话,还可以与许多朋友一起在因特网上聊天或做各种游戏。
Schools can conduct distance learning on the Internet and let students study in online classes; 3.学校可以在网上进行远程教学,让学生在网上上课学习;
enterprises can understand the market demand through the Internet, develop marketable products in time, provide better services for users, and advertise on the Internet and carry out online marketing, etc.企业可以通过网络了解市场需求,及时开发适销的产品,为用户提供更好的服务,还可以在网上做广告,开展网上营销等。
Seminar on "Pros and Cons of the Internet"举行“网络的利与弊”研讨会。







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