第一单元 Unit 1 1.地球和地表的变化 changes in the earth and the earth's surface 2.雄伟的高山、辽阔的平原、纵黄的沟壑、起伏的丘陵…奇特的地表是怎样形成的? Magnificent mountains, vast plains, vertical yellow gullies, rolling hills... How is the strange surface formed? 3.可怕的地震、凶猛的火山喷发,引起地动山摆、沧桑巨变,也为我们带来了丰富的矿产、奇异的景观。 The terrible earthquake and ferocious volcanic eruption have caused great changes in the earth and mountains, and also brought us rich mineral resources and strange landscape. 4.地球内外8的不断运动变化,为我们设下了一个个谜团。 第一课 Lesson One 1.地球内部有什么 What's inside the earth. 2.地球的内部是什么样的? What's inside the earth like? 3.让我们一起来研究吧! Let's study it together 4.不同颜色的橡皮泥、熟鸡蛋、荔枝。 Different colors of plasticine, cooked eggs, litchi。 5.搜集有关地球内部构造的资料。 Collect information about the internal structure of the earth. 6.地球内部有什么? What's inside the earth? 7.我们来猜测。 Let's guess. 8.火山的喷发物…… Volcanic eruptions…… 9.石油、煤……都是从地下开采出来的。 Oil, coal... Are mined from the ground. 10.还有…… And…… 11.泉水也是从地下流出来的…… The spring also flows out of the ground…… 12.资料卡 13.地球表面的物体,人们能够看得见,可是地球内部是什么样的,我们没法看到。 index card for files People can see objects on the surface of the earth, but we can't see what is inside the earth. 14.从地面到地球中心约6300千米,而现在最先进的钻机钻探的深度也不过十几千米。 It is about 6300 kilometers from the ground to the center of the earth, and the depth of the most advanced drilling rig is less than 10 kilometers. 15.如果把地球比作一个苹果的话,那就相当于连表皮也没有钻透。 If the earth is compared to an apple, it is equivalent to not even penetrating the skin. 16.怎么才能知道地球里面的情况呢? How can we know what's going on inside the earth? 17.地震波能够向四面八方传播,有的可以一直传到地心。 Seismic waves can travel in all directions, and some can go all the way to the center of the earth. 18.地震波在传播过程中碰到不同的物质,就会有不同的反射和所射,用仪器把这些信息记录下来,再进行分析研究,就可以推知地下物质的状态和分布情况了。 In the process of seismic wave propagation, when it encounters different materials, it will have different reflection and emission. Use instruments to record these information, and then carry out analysis and research, we can infer the state and distribution of underground materials. 19.科学家就是利用地震波、磁力等提供的信息,对地球内部的情况进行探索的。 Scientists use the information provided by seismic wave and magnetic force to explore the situation inside the earth. 20.认识地球内部的结构特点。 Understand the structural characteristics of the earth's interior. 21.每一层还有自己的名字呢…… Each floor has its own name…… 22.我从书上了解到,地球的结构好像鸡蛋一样。 I learned from the book that the structure of the earth is like an egg. 23.荔枝的结构也…… The structure of litchi is also…… 24.地球内部可以划分为三层,分别是地壳?地慢、地核。 The earth's interior can be divided into three layers, the crust? Earth core. 25.地壳是最外面的一层,由坚硬的岩石组成。 The crust is the outermost layer, made of hard rock. 26.地壳在地球各处的厚度是不一样的,从5千米到70千米不等,海洋部分薄,陆地部分厚。 The thickness of the earth's crust varies from 5km to 70km. The ocean is thin and the land is thick. 27.地壳下面是地幔,主要由硅、铁、镁等成分组成,厚约2900千米。 Below the crust is the mantle, which is mainly composed of silicon, iron and magnesium, and is about 2900 km thick. 28.这一层的温度约为1000~3000氏度,内部压力很大,是一种过热状态下的特殊的固态物质。 The temperature of this layer is about 1000-3000 degrees centigrade, and the internal pressure is very high. It is a special solid substance in the overheated state. 29.地幔下面是地核,它是地球的核心部分。 Below the mantle is the core, the core of the earth. 30.地核的半径为3400多千米。地核主要由铁和镍组成,这一层密度很大,温度约为4700氏度。 The radius of the core is more than 3400 kilometers. The earth's core is mainly composed of iron and nickel. This layer has a high density and a temperature of about 4700 degrees centigrade. 31.地核主要由铁和镍组成,这一层密度很大,温度约为4700氏度。 The earth's core is mainly composed of iron and nickel. This layer has a high density and a temperature of about 4700 degrees centigrade. 32.我们来做个地球结构模型吧! Let's make a model of the earth's structure! 33.用不同颜色的橡皮泥做成地壳、地幔、地核。 The earth's crust, mantle and core are made of different colors of plasticine. 34.地球内部的运动对我们的生活会产生什么影响? What impact will the movement of the earth's interior have on our lives? |
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