第十九课 Lesson Nineteen 材料的分类 Classification of materials 1.观察:生活中的物品各是用什么材料制成的? Observation: what materials are used to make things in life? 2.查阅资料,了解关于材料的知识。 Look up the information and learn about the material. 3.生活中的物品各是用什么材料做的?这些材料来自哪里? What materials are used to make things in life? Where do these materials come from? 4.我们按所用材料给物品分类。 We classify the items according to the materials used. 5.设计一间自己喜欢的房子。 Design a house you like. 6.我的房顶是用…… My roof is made of…… 7.利用废旧材料美化我们的生活。 Using waste materials to beautify our life. 8.查阅资料:材料的使用对我们的生活有哪些影响? Access to information: what impact does the use of materials have on our lives? |
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