Unit six Little guard of the garden田园小卫士 Addition and subtraction within ten
thousand 万以内的加减法(二) Lesson one 1. Let's go into the
garden and check for pests! 我们到菜园里去检查一下有没有害虫! 2. 189 cabbages have
been checked and there are 394 cabbages left. 已经查了189棵白菜,还剩394棵白菜。 3. Come and help! 快来帮忙呀! 4. What questions can
you ask? 你能提出什么问题? 5. How many cabbages
are there altogether? 一共有多少棵白菜? 6. What's one hundred
eighty-nine plus three hundred ninety-four? 189+394=( ) 7. Let's do it
vertically 列竖式计算 8. Whichever one adds
up to 10, you add 1 to the next one. 哪一位相加满10,就向前一位进1。 9. How many ladybugs
are there in two gardens? 两块菜园一共有多少只瓢虫? 10. What's two hundred
and forty-seven plus one hundred and fifty-eight? 247+158=( ) 11. What do you pay
attention to when you add something vertically? 用竖式计算加法时,要注意什么? 12. How many eggplants
have not been checked? 还有多少棵茄子没检查? 13. What's four
hundred thirty-five minus two hundred seventy-six? 435-276=( ) 14. Whichever one is
not enough to reduce, the former one back 1. 哪一位不够减,就从前一位退1。 15. How many more
eggplants have been checked than cabbages have been checked? 已检查的茄子比已检查的白菜多多少棵? 16. What's two hundred
seventy-six minus one hundred eighty-nine? 276-189=( ) 17. What do you pay
attention to when you subtract vertically? 用竖式计算减法时,要注意什么? Lesson two 1. The mother rat catches 205 mice a
month. 妈妈每月捉鼠只数是205只。 2.
Dad catches 300 mice a month. 爸爸每月捉鼠只数是300只。 3.
The child catches 116 mice a month. 孩子每月捉鼠只数是116只。 4. What questions can
you ask? 你能提出什么问题? 5.
How many more owls did the mother catch than the children? 猫头鹰妈妈比孩子多捉了多少只? 6. How much is two
hundred and fifty minus one hundred and sixteen? 205-116=( ) 6. If I want to go
back 1 from the tens place, I have 0 in the tens place, what do I do? 要从十位上退1,十位上是0,怎么办? 7. Let's do it
vertically 用竖式计算 8. How many more owls does the father
catch than the children? 猫头鹰爸爸比孩子多捉多少只? 9. What's three
hundred minus one hundred and sixteen? 300-116=( ) 10. I didn't subtract
enough from the ones place, so I went back to the tens place, so I went back
from the hundreds place by 1. 个位不够减,十位上又是0,从百位退1。 11. Let me check 我来验算…… Lesson three 1. The oriole caught
146 worms. 黄鹂捉了146只虫子。 2. The magpie catches
38 more than the oriole. 喜鹊比黄鹂多捉38只。 3. Woodpeckers catch
12 fewer birds than orioles. 啄木鸟比黄鹂少捉12只。 4. How many worms did
the magpie catch? 喜鹊捉了多少只虫子? 5. Let's toss the
paper around. 我们用纸条摆一摆。 6. 38 is more than
the number of magpies caught Oriole. 38是喜鹊比黄鹂多捉的只数。 7. The number of
magpies caught should be 146 and 38 together. 求喜鹊捉的只数,应该把146与38合起来。 8. One hundred and
forty-six plus thirty-eight equals one hundred and eighty-four 146+38=184 9. How many worms did
the woodpecker catch? 啄木鸟捉了多少只虫子? 10. Let's toss the paper
around. 我们用纸条摆一摆。 11. If you want a
woodpecker to catch a number of birds, you take 12 out of 146. 要求啄木鸟捉的只数,就是从146里去掉12。 12. How do I do it? 怎样列算式? 13. Throwing notes can
help us solve problems. Come and try it! 摆纸条可以帮助我们解决问题。快来试试吧! Lesson four 1. Qingqing ate 150
mosquitoes. 青青吃了150只蚊子。 2. Wa Wa eats 30
fewer than Qingqing. 蛙蛙比青青少吃30只。 3. The tadpole ate
sixty mosquito larvae. 蝌蝌吃了60只蚊子幼虫。 4. The poles ate 30
more than the tadpoles. 蚪蚪吃的比蝌蝌多30只。 5. How many
mosquitoes did the two frogs eat together? 两只青蛙一共吃了多少只蚊子? 6. Let's toss the
paper around. 我们用纸条摆一摆。 7. First count how
many frogs eat, then count how many total. 先算蛙蛙吃了多少只,再算一共吃了多少只。 8. How many mosquito
larvae did the two tadpoles eat? 两只蝌蚪一共吃了多少只蚊子幼虫? 9. Try to solve the
problem! 试着解决问题吧! Lesson five Wisdom square智慧广场 1. Each Chinese character represents a number, and the same Chinese
character represents the same number. 每个汉字代表一个数,相同的汉字代表相同的数。 2. Which number do "teng" and "fei" represent? “腾”和“飞”各代表哪个数? 3. First look at the formula to find the relationship between the
characters and the numbers. 先观察算式,找到汉字与数间的关系。 4. Try again and do some math to find out which number each character
represents. 再试一试,算一算就能找出每个汉字代表哪个数。 5. Try to solve the problem! 试着解决问题吧! |
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