4选举产生班委会 The class committee is elected 班委会承担着班级建设中的很多日常工作,责组织学校的一些活动,为班级和同学服务。 The
class committee is responsible for organizing some activities of the school and
serving the class and students. 活动园 Activity
Park 回顾四年来班委会开展的工作时,同学们纷纷说起自己印象最深刻的活动 Looking
back on the work of the class committee in the past four years, the students
talked about their most impressive activities one after another 体育委员组织的趣味运动会把同学们的运动热情调动起来了。 The
interesting sports meeting organized by the sports committee aroused the
enthusiasm of the students. 丰富的班级活动 Rich
class activities 宣传委员每次都能根据不同活动主题组织同学设计板报,为班级生活增添了色彩。 Publicity
committee members can organize students to design blackboard newspapers
according to different themes of activities every time, which adds color to
class life. 学习委员在班级建立了图书角,鼓励我们多读书。 The
learning committee set up a book corner in the class to encourage us to read
more books. 劳动委员组织了很多公益劳动,让我们在劳动中成长。 The
Labor Committee organized a lot of public welfare work, let us grow up in the
work. 与同学分享你印象最深刻的一次由班委会组织的活动。 Share
with your classmates one of your most impressive activities organized by the
class committee. 有同学说:“有的活动是某个班委一个人组织的。”这个观点你是否同意?说说你的理由。 Some
students said: "some activities are organized by a class committee
member." Do you agree with this view? Talk about your reasons. 班委会由班委会员组成。他们根据分,各司其职,开展工作,共同承担责任。同时,各委之间相互协作,形成合カ、与同学们一起推动班级进步。 The
class committee is composed of its members. They perform their duties, carry
out their work and share their responsibilities according to their respective
responsibilities. At the same time, all committees cooperate with each other to
form a cooperation and work with students to promote class progress. 活动园 Activity
Park 在班委选举前,班主任李老师在班上开了动员会。 Before
the class committee election, teacher Li held a mobilization meeting in the
class. 她说:“担任班委有很多会参与班级管理工作,能为同学提供服务、可以锻炼和提高自己。” "There
are many students who are in charge of class management, who can provide
services, exercise and improve themselves," she said 班委会哪位?根据班级工作实际需要,我们来制作一份班委会分工示意图。 Who
is the class committee? According to the actual needs of class work, we will
make a sketch map of the division of labor of the class committee. 班长:负责班级沟通协调工作 Monitor: responsible for class communication and
coordination 体育委员:组织班级开展体育运动 Sports committee member: organize class to carry out
sports 学习委员:组织班级开展学习活动 Learning committee member: organize classes to carry
out learning activities 班委会 Class committee 你们班还设有哪些班委岗位?说说这些岗位的具体任务。 What
other class committee positions do you have in your class? Talk about the
specific tasks of these positions. 阅读角 Reading
corner 体育委员在履职 The
sports committee members are performing their duties I
find that my classmates don't like outdoor activities. 在课余时间里,有的写作业,有的在课来上息,还有的在教室里打打闹闹。 In
their spare time, some do their homework, some come to have a rest in class,
and others make trouble in the classroom. 作为班级的体育委员我有任把同学们带到室外开展活动。 As
the class sports committee member, I have the responsibility to take the
students to the outdoor activities. 于是,我在班上发起了一次小组间的子比赛后又组织了一次跳绳大评比活动,效果都还不错。 So,
I launched a sub competition between groups in my class, and then organized a
rope skipping contest, and the results were good. 在我的动员下、全体同参与,我们班的活动越来越富多彩。 With
my mobilization and the participation of all, the activities of our class are
becoming more and more colorful. 班委会要协助老师承担一些班级管理工作。 The
class committee should assist teachers to undertake some class management work. 这些工作不仅要班委具有一定的管理能力,更需要他们热爱集体,有为同学为班级服务的意识和奉献精神。 These
work not only need the class committee to have certain management ability, but
also need them to love the collective, have the consciousness and dedication to
serve the class for the students. 无论是选举他人班,还是己竟选班委,我们都要对不同岗位的要求有充分的认识。 Whether
it is to elect another class or to elect our own class committee, we should
have a full understanding of the requirements of different positions. 活动园 Activity
Park 我选谁? Who
do I choose? 王晓鹏 Wang
Xiaopeng 班里要选出7名班委,其中班长的岗位责任重大,竞争也最激烈,有几省同学都想参与竞选。 There
are seven class committee members to be elected in the class. Among them, the
position of monitor is of great responsibility and the competition is the most
fierce. Some students from several provinces want to participate in the
election. 一个是我的好朋友田家齐,我们关系很好,经常在一起学习和娱乐。 One
is my good friend Tian Jiaqi. We have a good relationship and often study and
play together. 他很讲义气,要是他当了班长,就算我犯了小错误,他也会护着我。 He
is very loyal. If he becomes the monitor, even if I make a small mistake, he
will protect me. 但是,他容易冲动,经常为一些小事跟别人闹得不可开交。 But
he was impulsive and often made a lot of trouble with others about small
things. 一个是原来的副班长彭雪,她最有竞争力。 One
is Peng Xue, the former deputy monitor. She is the most competitive. 她做事公道,有事能和大家商量。 She
is fair in her work. She can discuss with you if you have something. 不过,她对同学太严厉,有几次还扣了我们小组的纪律分。 However,
she was too strict with her classmates, and several times she deducted the
discipline points of our group. 另一个是我们班的“老”班长展明辉。 The
other is Zhan Minghui, the "old" monitor of our class. 他学习成绩优异,人品也不错,对谁都乐呵呵的,人缘特别好。 He
has excellent academic performance and good character. He is very popular with
everyone. 但是,他怕得罪人,很多事情他都睁只眼闭只眼,所以,在学校的纪律和卫生评比中,我们班总得不到好成绩。 However,
he was afraid of offending others. He turned a blind eye to many things.
Therefore, in the school discipline and health evaluation, our class always
failed to get good results. 我该选谁做班长呢? Who
should I choose as monitor? 如果你是王晓鹏,会选谁来做班长呢?请结合材料说说理由。 If
you were Wang Xiaopeng, who would you choose as your monitor? Please explain
the reasons in combination with the materials. 担任班长需要哪些条件?请选出你认为重要的条件,按照你理解的重要性进行排序。 What
are the requirements for being a monitor? Please select the conditions you
think are important and rank them according to the importance you understand. ①学习成绩好 Good
grades ②办事讲原则/ Principle
in handling affairs ③组织能力强 Strong
organizational ability ④热心为同学服务 Enthusiastic
service for students ⑤性格温 Warm
personality ⑥与自己的关系好 Have
a good relationship with yourself ⑦工作责任心强 Strong
sense of responsibility ⑨善于与人沟通 Strong
sense of responsibility ⑧能发扬民主作风 Can
carry forward democratic style ⑩其他 other 我的选择和排序: My
selection and ranking: 班委选举有程序 There
are procedures for class committee election 班委一般民产生。 The
general people of the Committee of the class are born. 班级民主的方式多种多样,可根据不同情况选择合适的选择方式。 There
are many ways of class democracy, and we can choose the right way according to
different situations. 五(1)同学在中发现。不同学校、不同班级的委产生方式不样。你参与他们的调查吧! Five (1) students in the discovery. Different schools
and classes have different ways to produce committees. You take part in their
investigation! 调查学校 Survey schools 班级 class 你们班的班委是怎样产生的?请在符合你们班情況的选项后画"√”。 How did your class committee come into being? Please
tick the options that are suitable for your class. 班委山班主任指定。 The class committee is appointed by the head teacher. 班委同学们投选举产生。 The
class committee is elected by the students. 先班主任指定候选人,再同学们投选举产生。 First,
the head teacher designates the candidates, and then the students vote for
them. 同学们轮流做班委,大家都能得到炼。 The
students take turns to be the class committee, and everyone can get the
training. 其他方式。 Other
ways. 针对调查结果,同学们表达了不同观点。 According
to the survey results, students expressed different views. 观点: Viewpoint: 我赞同民主选举的方式。 I'm
in favor of democratic elections. 我认为学习好的同学才能当班委。 I
think the students who study well can be the class committee. 我认为班委应该由同学们轮流来的。 I
think the class committee should come from the students in turn. 我觉得,老师指定的班委与我想选择一致。 I
think the class committee appointed by the teacher is consistent with my
choice. 我不想当班委。 I
don't want to be a class committee. 你赞成哪种观点?说说自己的理由。 Which viewpoint do you agree with? Talk about your
reasons. 无论采用什么样的选举方法,都要尊重同学,遵循定的程序,保障大家的权利。 No matter what kind of election method is adopted, we
should respect the students, follow the established procedures, and protect
everyone's rights. 怎样组织班级民主选举呢?下面是一个班委竞选活动的流程。 How to organize class democratic election? The
following is a class election process. 活动园 Activity Park 第一步发布竞选公告 The first step is to announce the election 选公告一般要有标题,文中简要说明竞选的相关事项,比如竞选时间、竞选岗位、选条件等。 Generally, the election notice should have a title,
which briefly describes the relevant issues of the election, such as election
time, election position, election conditions, etc. 最后,还要写上落款和日期。 Finally, write down the signature and date. 金桥小学五(1)班班委竞选公告 Jinqiao primary school five (1) class committee
election announcement 2017年9月15日,我班将进行新一届班委竞选,班委的竟选名额和条件请参阅竟选说明。 On September 15, 2017, our class will hold a new
election for the class committee. Please refer to the instructions for the
number and conditions of the candidates. 欢迎各位同学积极参加竞选。 Welcome to take part in the election. 特此公告 It is hereby announced 五(1)班班委会 Class committee of class 5 (1) 2017年9月7日 September 7, 2017 为什么要发布公告呢? Why make an announcement? 第二步自愿报名参加 The second step is to sign up voluntarily 我的学习成绩不好,我能报名参加班委竞选吗? My academic performance is not good, can I sign up for
the class committee election? 我刚转学到这个班,我有资格参加班委竟选吗? I just transferred to this class, am I qualified to
participate in the class committee election? 班级中的每个同学都是班级的主人,在班委选举中,都享有选举权和被选举权。 Every student in the class is the master of the class.
In the class committee election, they have the right to vote and be elected. 人人参与选举,发表意见,积极投票,才能体现大家的意愿。 Only when everyone participates in the election,
expresses their opinions and votes actively can their wishes be reflected. 第三步 竞选人演讲与答辩 The third step is the candidate's speech and defense 选人通过演讲,说明竞选什么岗位和打算怎样做好班级工作,陈述自己竞选的优势。 Through speeches, candidates explain what positions
they are running for and how they plan to do well in class work, and state
their advantages in the election. 同时,竟选人可以展示自己的一些特长,回答同学们的提问和质疑,以赢得大家的信任。 At the same time, candidates can show some of their
strengths, answer questions and questions from students, in order to win
everyone's trust. 怎样才能做好竟选演讲呢?大家帮我想想办法吧! How can we make a good competitive speech? Let's do
something for me! 要了解同学们所关心的问题,述自己解决这些间题的办法 在演讲中,最重要的是自信! To understand the students concerned about the
problem, state their own way to solve these problemsIn the speech, the most
important thing is confidence! …… 第四步无记名投票 Step 4 secret ballot 无记名投票是神圣的。 Secret ballot is sacred. 全体同学一人一票,填好自己的选票也是对自己民主权利的尊重。 All students have one vote for one person, and filling
in their own votes is also respect for their democratic rights. 投票过程要有人监督。 The voting process needs to be supervised. 班主任作为班级的一分子,是否有权参与班委的选举? As a member of the class, does the head teacher have
the right to participate in the election of the class committee? 五步公开唱票,公示结果 Five steps of public singing, publicity results 经过公开唱票和公开计票,最后主持人宣布竞选人得票情况。 After singing and counting the votes in public, the
host announced the result of the candidates. 你们班的班委是如何产生的? How did your class committee come into being? 结合民主选举的过程,思考下列问题。 Considering the process of democratic election, we
should consider the following issues. 如果班级依照上述程序开展一次民主选举活动,你最关注的环节是什么? If the class conducts a democratic election activity
in accordance with the above procedures, what is your most concerned link? 如果班委选举结果与你的预期不同,你会怎么办? If the result of the class committee election is
different from your expectation, what will you do? 班委会选举时,每个同学都要珍惜自己的选举权利,认真投出一票,选出愿意为班级服务的同学。 In the class committee election, every student should
cherish his right to vote and vote for the students who are willing to serve
the class. 班级建设人人有责 Everyone is responsible for class construction 班级建设不仅需要班委尽职尽责,也需要班其他同学发人翁精神。 Class construction not only requires the class
committee to fulfill their duties, but also requires other students to develop
their spirit. 我们每个人都要热情参与班级事务,贡献智慧,发挥特长。 Each of us should enthusiastically participate in
class affairs, contribute wisdom and give full play to our strengths. 这样,班级工作才能开展得有声有色。 In this way, the class work can be carried out well. 活动园 Activity Park 在班级近期组织的“我想解决的班级问题”调查中,同学们结合班级实际提出一些想法。 In the recent survey of "class problems I want to
solve" organized by the class, the students put forward some ideas based
on the actual situation of the class. 又有同学在课追跑打闹,要是有人能维持秩序就好了。 There are also students running and fighting in class.
If only someone could keep order. 早上时间很多,却被浪费了如果安排大家早读,也许大家收获会更多。 There is a lot of time in the morning, but it is
wasted. If we arrange to read it early, maybe we will get more. 我每天能量满满要是能和同学们一起在操场上锻炼,大家身体一定都棒棒的! I am full of energy every day. If I can exercise on the
playground with my classmates, everyone will be in good health! 卫生委员这几天请假,没人监督日常卫生,要是设一个流动监督岗就好了。 The health committee members have asked for leave
these days, and no one supervises their daily health. It would be better to set
up a mobile supervision post. 我一进教室就踩到了同学乱扔的纸张。要是日常卫生有人负贵,这种事情就不会发生。 As soon as I entered the classroom, I stepped on the
paper thrown by my classmates. This would not have happened if someone paid for
daily hygiene. 针对这些问题,作为一名班级成员,你会给出怎样的建议呢?请说明理由。 In view of these problems, as a class member, what
kind of suggestions will you give? Please give reasons. 做好班级工作需要我们付出一定的时间和精力,需要有坚持到底的意和毅力,需要有敢于面对困难的勇气和一定的协调能力。 To do a good job in class work, we need to pay a
certain amount of time and energy, have the will and perseverance to persist in
the end, have the courage to face difficulties and have a certain coordination
ability. 这样,我们才能与班级共同成长。 In this way, we can grow together with the class. 活动园 Activity Park 我当上了“守门员” I'm a goalkeeper 我家离学校很近,我自愿成为班级的“守门员”掌管教室的钥匙,每天为大家开、锁教室门。 My home is very close to the school. I volunteered to
be the "goalkeeper" of the class. I took charge of the key of the
classroom and opened and locked the classroom door for everyone every day. 领到教室门钥匙时,我向全班同学承诺当好“守门员”。 When I got the key to the classroom door, I promised
the whole class to be a good "goalkeeper". “当班”第一天,我早早来到学校,为同学们打开教室门。 On the first day of "on duty", I came to
school early to open the classroom door for my classmates. 过了好久,班里的同学才三三两两地来了。 After a long time, the students in the class came in
twos and threes. 大家看到我都夸道:“王帅,真不错!来得够早的啊!”我神气极了。 Everyone saw me boasting: "great, handsome! It's
early enough! " I'm so angry. 但是,一个星期下来,这份工作开始变成了我的“负担”。 However, after a week, this job began to become my
"burden". 每天都要早早起床,真是吃不消啊!有一天,我睡过头了。 I can't bear to get up early every day! One day, I
overslept. 当我匆忙赶到学校时,同学们已经从学校借钥匙开了门,开始早读了。 When I rushed to school, the students had borrowed the
key from the school and opened the door and began to read it early. 下课后,很多同学问我为什么没有按时开门。 After class, many students asked me why I didn't open
the door on time. 班长也来提醒我以后不要耽误工作,口气还有点严厉。 The monitor also came to remind me not to delay my
work in the future. His tone was still a little harsh. 我感到很委屈:每天都那么早来,就这一天迟到,大家却来质疑和提醒我。 I feel very aggrieved: I come so early every day, and
I am late for this day, but everyone comes to question and remind me. 面对这种情况,我… In the face of this situation, I 你管理教室的钥匙,怎么还能迟到呢?这点事你都做不好。 How can you be late when you manage the key to the
classroom? You can't do that well. 如果你是王帅,你将会作出怎样的决定?说说自己的理由。 If you were Wang Shuai, what kind of decision would
you make? Talk about your reasons. 在责任担当中,我们可以发挥主动性,提高自我管理能力,学会参与班级事务。 In the responsibility, we can play the initiative,
improve self-management ability, learn to participate in class affairs. |
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